The Battle of Dragon Coast Military Conflict in Ire | World Anvil

The Battle of Dragon Coast

The Ash war was launched when dwarves made contact with Ashgaurd but the real war began at Dragon Coast. Thanks to Veli Riderson and his people the world was warned of the Bullk army and their fleet. It was a call to action for every lord, every king and every country. In the Vale the call was heard, from Norwich to Xares. In the Desert the call echoed to all the five tribes, and in the Golden Land every elf and tree heard the song. The armies of man, elf and nathair. met in Tir Orail to form one great army. An army of a size never seen before. The ships were coming, death would soon befall the world. So King Titus ll, King Vexus and Emperor Mios Ularic brought their forces to the western coast, to Dragon Coast. The plan was simple, stop the Bullks right then and there before the could make it in. But no one can plan for the will of the gods   The Sun peaked over the coast, the water carrying its light, revealing the Bullk Fleet. The elven mages step forward first. With set altars activated a magic wall reached into the sky guarding the rest of Tir Orail. From the wall Veli Riderson stepped forward onto the rocky shore. With the power and fury of old he commanded the water and began to bring the ships down into the ice cold ocean. He brought down a dozen, maybe two single handedly. Yet there was not enough time.   The ships grew closer and from the sky came swarms of arrows. Retreating behind the wall Riderson fell back with the soldiers. Men and elves answered with arrows of their own, lit aflame. This mattered little, for the beasts reached the shore on their ships of fire, like demons of the underworld. The shield wall was formed, each country side by side. The Bullks hammered at the wall, their strength immense. Strength however is always challenge, from the ground came death, Dhulka ambushed the Bullk forces coming onto them like a hammer on hot steel. But the Dhulka found they were not alone in the soil. The ground shook and the rocks on shore rumbled. Below the earth The Dhulka met Lungers and they were no match. The Lungers broke the shield wall and it was now a free for all. Steel and stone met as each slaughtered the other. For hours the fought but the Bullks were failing. Three armies to their one, and a Demon for their Lungers. They were forced back to their ships, few made it away from Riderson's grasp. And so the Ash war had begun in full. The three armies victorious today but the Bullks would not back down, they sailed from Dragon Coast and carried their army underground; into Tir Orail and  they would return the hospitality shown to them.
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Conflict Result
The United Army was weakened and Bullks snuck onto Kerne