The Crown or Death

The sun's heat battered the contestants as they walked into the arena. The crowd in the stands above went wild, their roars echoed all across The Pit. Vexus gripped his belt and admired the cheering fans. On the balcony above the Host stepped forward.   "Welcome one and all!" The Host yelled. "It is time for The Desert to have a new king wouldn't you agree!?"   The crowd went crazy, yelling even more.   "Then look before you good Nathair! One of these warriors will be our new King! Who will it be? Place your bets now because once the fighting begins the bodies will drop faster than you can keep track!."   The Host looked down to Vexus and the others now. "You have all entered The Pit because you want to be King! If you want want the crown than I better see some blood! You will have to kill everybody around you to get it. You will fight over the next several days, killing and killing some more! You will fight until there is only one of you left! There is only one rule here, whatever I say goes!"   Vexus and everybody else left the arena ground and prepared themselves for the fighting to come. It wasn't long until the first round match ups were announced. Vexus would be up against Sulavar of the Dhulka in the 13th match. The time had come, the fight was here.   Vexus made his way out of the gate and onto the field. The hot sand boiled his blood and scorched his feet. The loser of the last match was being drug off of the field, a trail of red followed him as he was drug passed the gate. Across from him he could see Sulavar. He was swinging his tail around, riling up the crowd. The two drew closer together, the walk to the center felt like an eternity. Drums were being beat above and the two drew closer still.   Now the two snake warriors stood just feet apart. The drums went silent and the Host spoke. "Vexus of the Mendax versus Sulavar of the Dhulka! Begin!" Sulavar leaped forward the second the Host spoke his last syllable! Vexus rolled, kicking at his foe's tail. The two circled each other, fists raised. Around and around they went. Vexus's heart was beating harder than the drums.   Sulavar jumped strait into the air! He nose dived into the ground, burrowing his way below the field. Vexus darted his head around, Sulavar could come from anywhere now.   SMACK! Sulavar popped out of the sand, giving Vexus a swift uppercut. Vexus fell to the ground, the sun blinding him he didn't see Sulavar going to grab him. The Dhulka scooped up Vexus and threw him to the ground again. Vexus could feel his back screaming and writhing in pain, his head was ringing and he could taste blood in his mouth. The tall black serpent raised his fist ready to strike, but he had no target to strike! In an instant Vexus had disappeared!   The Dhulka grew wild! Standing up high on his tail yelling, "Come out coward! Ill flood this arena with your blood!" Suddenly, there Vexus was just feet away from Sulavar!   "Come and catch me dirt eater." Vexus said smirking, then vanishing again. Sulavar grew restless. He began punching the air all around him, waiting for Vexus to appear again. Whipping and punching the Dhulka went again and again until he grew tired. As he lowered his hand he could feel a grip around his head. Sulavar stood still, frozen in shock, and looked behind him, before his eyes Vexus appeared out of thin air, his hands around Sulavar head.   "Looks like I caught you first." Vexus said, Twisting Sulavar's head, the crack echoed against the area walls. The Dhulka grew limp and fell onto the sand. Vexus raised his fists into the air and hissed! The crowd went nuts. They began to throw colored sand down onto the field. Pink, blue and yellow sand falling from the stands surrounded Vexus as he celebrated his victory.   This is just one of the many battles Vexus would have to win in order to become King. Over the next nine days Vexus fought match after match, winning all the way until the end. In the end Vexus won, becoming King of the Nathair.