The Edge

For many years something kept Elves and Man apart. The Elves named it The Edge, while humans never got far enough to discover it. It was a magical barrier so strong not even the Elven Emperor could break through. The Elves tried for years apon years to break through the Edge, with no success. Then, in 2003 The Edge suddenly vanished. Overnight the wall was gone. Not long after Elves and Men came into contact.   What The Edge was, how it got there and why it was there is a mystery. The more Holy believe it was the Sun God who built it, to keep the races apart. This may have some truth, after all once the border was gone only a few decades later did the Great War start. The other theory is, The Dark One did it. The only evidence is timing. The Edge disappeared the same year that the Dark One Harkon died. Why the Dark One would separate the countries is unknown but the timing can hardly be coincidence.