The Forgotten Family

In current times the Holds of The Vale are ruled by four Ealdormen, who all answer to the King. Yet at one point this was not the case. The Amos family were commoners by all rights, but when Landon Amos took over a Ratman fort in the Malpine Woods he claimed himself to be an Ealdorman of The Vale. The family built up the fort and repaired it, naming it Barley Fort. The problem was the Amos's had seized a land right on the border of Green Hold and Furtinshire. Barley Fort and Ealdorman Landon Amos was the potential threat to Greenhaven and Furt alike. The Amos's would not give up despite having such powerful enemies. The Amos's swore allegiance to Furt and the Eberson family and together claimed that the Ealdorman of Greenshire tried to kill Lady Eberson, and rebelled.   The families failed in this task and Greenshire declared war on Furtinshire. Of course House Amos fought on the side of Furt, and it is where they would fall as well. In a battled now known as The Dim Night, Barley Fort was sieged. The Amos's enemies struggled to breakthrough, the Amos's built the fort up well, yet that would not matter. They say Circi of Greenhaven rode over the walls on a dragon made of shadow and shade. She razed the fort, and the dragon banners stood over the ashes. She killed every Amos in the fort. Some say she killed them all that night, drove the family to extinction, some say however, one boy escaped the flames. A boy who was not there that night. All that can be certain is that the Amos family brought themselves up from nothings, and it was as nothing they died.