The Giant Slayer

An eagle soared high above the pass and through the falling snow. It's cry echoed along the narrow cliff walls. Jack could feel their footsteps. Each one shook the earth to its core and threw the men off balance. Each step reverberated in the pass. Jack drew his sword and laced it with the poison, he was ready. Jack joined the other men and they were now all pressed shoulder to shoulder. King Farsfirus stood in front of the men. His steel plated armor clanked together as he moved around.   "What can I possible say to you my brave men?" Farsfirus said, gripping his sheathed blade. "What could I say that would erase the fear from your minds? What could make you face these beasts without fear?" The footsteps grew louder and louder "Giants, who stand taller than mountains, who are as old as Ire itself. We 150 warriors are the only thing standing in-between them and our country, our homes and loved ones. "This is an impossible battle! But what we do here will echo through all of time. Your wives, mothers and daughters will hold themselves above others! Because they know that their husbands, sons and fathers were the only ones even brave enough to face the Giants! You can not die here today because your stories will be told for all of time! Immortality! It is yours!"   The men raised their weapons and cheered.   The king drew his blade and yelled, "Let us show these giants how fierce the bears of The Vale really are!"   It was time, the giants had reached them. eight of them all bottle necked within Shiver pass. The first in the line threw his mighty fist down into the cluster of men. The impact crush a dozen men and shook the pass walls. The giant stood up straight and roared. Down went his fist again! A few escaped the giant's fist and ran for the gargantuan beast. They hacked and slashed but it did not matter, just one man was barely the size of the giant's toe. Jack held onto his blade and stuck to the walls of the pass. The men were dying, Jack knew that they couldn't beat the giants head on. So Jack hatched a plan. He put his sword back into its scabbard and began to scale the wall of the pass.   The rocks loosened and shook as Jack climbed up and up. A giant struck the cliff with it's ginormous wooden club side and Jack nearly fell down to his death, but still he climbed up. The wind grew fierce and beat against Jack's back. The snow began to fall harder and started to white out Jack's vision. Jack's fingers grew stiff in the cold and had lost all feeling, yet higher up the hero climbed. When Jack reached the top he was at waist level with the giant and he saw the other seven stuck behind the first, bloodthirsty and waiting their turn.   Jack snuck atop the cliffside to get behind the last giant in line. He scaled his way down the cliffside and snuck behind the giant. He drew his poison soaked sword and plunged it into the giant's ankle. Oh how the giant screamed! Yet his screams only lasted for seconds as the giant's body grew limp and stumbled forward onto the giant in front of him. The next giant, bigger than the last, grabbed the dead giant and tossed him over the pass's walls. Jack rushed through the deep snow and cut into the giant's toe! this beast too now fell dead!   One by one Jack snuck behind the giants and killed them. When the last giant died there was no one to catch it and it fell forward. It crushed many of the remaining men. Jack climbed onto the giant's back and the 3 remaining men cheered! The battle had been won!   Over the next year and a half Jack under the banner of King Farsfirus would hunt down and kill the rest of the giants, driving them to total extinction. When the deed was done Farsfirus would anoint Jack the Giant Slayer as Sir Jack, knight of Xares.