The Great Duel

King Titus l rode to the top of the hill. It was the largest one of many around it. It was a lush green and its north-face was a cliffside, leading to a river running below and away from the hills. Titus's black stallion struggled to climb but alas they reached the peak. Titus was a terrifying figure. His long hair, the color of tree bark, held up his golden crown. His chainmail was covered it dirt and mud, his axe was damaged and weathered. Titus dismounted and met the elf. He had rode all this way for the duel, the duel that would end the war and change the fates of either country. The Elven Emperor was waiting, full of swagger and bravado. His long honey blonde hair draped over his armored shoulders and his ruby colored eyes shone in the sun light.   Emperor Faelin rose his chin, "Titus, I wasn't sure you would show."   Titus spat at Faelin's feet. "Who is your champion elf?"   The elf flicked out his wrist, conjuring a cloud of smoke and a sword. It was long, single sided and very elegant with flashy metal work along the spine. "I am the standard of my people, not one of them can compare to my power! I am my champion!"   A thunderous roar echoed across the hills. A blue wingless dragon charged its way to the top of the hill and dug its claws into the muddy ground. A top this dragon was a warrior. He wore fitting steel armor that had the slightest of blue tints. He removed his helmet and showed his face. His eyes were like emeralds and his short messy hair was raven black. He had a sword strapped to his side The blade was long and double sided. The cross-guard was twisted steel that reached upward towards the blade, it had a slight blue tint. The handle was stitched Baken hide, and dyed a deep black. The pommel was diamond shaped with a raised dragon head on both sides, also with a slight blue tint. The weight was remarkable for a sword of its size. The balance was perfect. Th warrior dismounted his dragon and approached the King and Emperor. He bowed to both of them.   Titus put his hand on the warrior's shoulder. "I have chosen this man as my champion. This is Filavandrel Hero of The Vale, Dragon-Rider and Ealdorman of Greenshire."   The Emperor frowned. "I know who he his." He raised his finger to Filavandrel, "My people took you in, raised you and gave you that dragon, and you abused its power at the Redwood and No Air's Land! We treated you as one of our own and you repay us with blood?!"   "Blood and Steel." Filavandrel said.   "Very well Filavandrel-The Traitor. Let the fates of our people be decided today."   Both warriors raised their swords and began circling each other, waiting for the other to make the first move. Around and around they went, wearing a path in the grass. Finally Faelin struck. He shot fire from his hand and swung his cleaver-like sword in! Filavandrel drew the the right, dodging the fire and blocking the sword! He kicked the elf in the cut and cut into his shoulder!   The Emperor stuck out his hand and pulled Filavandrel in with magic, He slashed him across the face with his blade, and pushed him away! The Dragon-Rider rolled his shoulders and charged in swinging. The two swords sung as they clashed into each other, the song echoed across the hills. Filavandrel reared back his head and slammed into the elf's face! As Faelin winced back Filavandrel thrust his sword into the elf's sword arm!   Faelin reared back, dropped his sword and blasted Filavandrel to the ground with a shock wave! He picked his sword back up and stepped on his foe, crushing his chest. He held the tip of his sword right above Filavandrel's neck. "You can use all of the Elven magic you like. You will always be a human, you will always be weak!"   Filavandrel opened his mouth, The Emperor expected final words, but was horribly mistaken. A blizzard shot out from his mouth and blasted into Faelin's face! The elf howled, his face was black with frostbite and his skin was stiff. He clawed at his eyes, the liquid in them now frozen solid.   Filavandrel picked himself up and raised his hands into the air, the river below them rumbled and roared into the sky! It flowed from the water wall to Filavandrel's hands. It circled around his wrists and blasted out from his palms! It careened into the Emperor, knocking him off his feet and caving in his chest-plate! Filavandrel grabbed his fine sword and approached the Emperor. He leaned in close to the elf's decimated ears and whispered, "You thought you were a god, but in the end you were just like any man." He put his sword tip to the elf's neck as he had done to him. He pressed it forward gently and watched the metal slide through Faelin's neck. Blood erupted out and splattered onto Filavandrel's armor.   The Dragon-Rider wiped off his sword and turn to his King with a bow.  King Titus l for once in his life smiled and he patted Filavandrel on the back. "You've actually done it. I had my doubts it could be done but you proved me wrong once again Filavandrel." Titus turned to the emissary that arrived with the Emperor. "Go back to your camp, tell them what has happened! The duel is over and our terms will be met. Should your people not comply they will meet the same fate as your leader!"   The elf terrified disappeared into a cloud of smoke that took him back to the elven camp. Titus once again looked to Filavandrel. "You have certainly earned your title. You have saved the country ten times over. What reward can I give to The Vale's greatest hero?"   Filavandrel sighed, "Let me go home."