The Ire Tree

The Ire Tree is an old and powerful being. It was birthed at the same time as dragons and stands tall to this day. The Tree grows outward from the ocean. It's truck and branches reach out of the water and into the land of the god's themselves. It's leaves are a beautiful dark green and it grows flowers of the most beautiful orange, at night they glow like the sunset. It's roots swim deep into the ocean and into the ocean floor. The Ire Tree's roots extend to every corner of Ire, from the Desert to Ashgaurd and everything in-between. Warm breezes always flow through its leaves, but it isn't wind, it's magic brushing through the leaves. The tree is the center of the entire magic cycle. It's leaves take in the used up magic and turn into back into potential magic. It's root system provides the potential magic to every part of the land. The roots are also what takes in the used magic to supply to the leaves. Without the Ire Tree the magic cycle would be broken and magic in Ire could not exist.
Wonder of The World
Alternative Name(s)
The Elder One/ Ire's Heart/ Blood of the World