The Mendax

The Mendax tribe are a people without one true home. While other tribes have cities and towns such as Kadune and Meltwater the Mendax live a nomadic life and travel between several villages in the wastes of the Desert. Generations of lying and deceit have destroyed them. Their once great city has been destroyed by the other tribes in the past. It was repaired a number of times but eventually the Mendax gave up, if they were never in one place for to long their enemies could never catch up with them. The tribe often doesn't even sleep in the villages they set up but instead make camps along the roads.   The Mendax peoples are cunning and crafty. With their natural born ability to become invisible on command their entire people can disappear without a trace if need be, this has lent to their long survival despite having enemies in every city and town. Do not let their lifestyle trick you though, their just as many Mendax as any other tribes and when united are a true threat. The Mendax's best defense is King Vexus. Him being Mendax means he will defend them should the need arise.
Political, Faction / Party

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