The Old Gods

Most people know of the Light and Dark Gods but there are the Heden people who do not believe in those gods. They worship the old gods. The gods who made the world before this one. The pantheon is to large to name all of the gods and over time the names of some of them were spoke less and forgotten. Heden people belive that those who die with in battle enjoy an eternity of drinking, fighting, and sex in Fráfala, and that those who die without honor will dine in Kalt Hjem. The Civil war that drove the pagan people out of The Vale killed many who knew more of the gods. The Gods in the pantheon that are known are;   Vonja -The Bear God- The God of War,   Verin- God of Sex and love and rejuvenation,   Jorn- God of order an justice- The god with no face,   Skald-God of the ocean and seas,   Kyra-God of Death.   Eldi-God of Fire-The Dragonslayer   Then there is the head of the pantheon, Faðir( Falish, in the common tongue) The all knowing, god of time.

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