The Passage

The tavern was absolutely roaring as Veli stepped onto the table. As Veli twirled his hands, everyone's ale began to fly out of their cups and spiral in the air! Veli laughed and cheered, “A toast for my sister and I! To Another trip around the sun!” Everyone cheered and drank.   Getting up from her seat, Circi laughed and helped her brother off the table. “You're always such a show off Veli. Take it down a notch.”   “Come on, you don’t turn fifteen everyday.”   “Thank god for that.”   The Hunter’s Rest suddenly went deathly silent. The twins looked around and locked eyes with their father. He stood tall and stern above them--the tavern patrons wouldn’t even look him in the eye. He gestured towards the door and the twins shuffled out. Once outside he took them by the shoulders, “It’s time,” he told them.   “Time for what?” Veli asked   “For your Passage. Everyone of your skills will be tested on this trial. I went on one when I was young and now you will.”   “You were eighteen and trained by Elves!” Circi protested   “You have been trained by me, and you will have your brother. You two will sail to the Far North, but first you must build your own ship.”   Veli grew wild, “The Far North? What’s there?”   “Something you need; something you will discover. Now go.”   In the cold, pale morning the twins set to their task. Veli tied back his thick black hair and set to drawing up the plans. While Circi set out to buy the timber. She smirked when she saw the plans. “A dragon head? That’s pretty flashy.”   “You have no love for fine art.”     The twins spent over a fortnight building the ship. Carving, fastening, sanding, and occasionally breaking something. Once they were finished Circi levitated it to the river. The water was bitter cold and choppy; the ship rocked back and forth. Finally Veli arrived with the packs. The ship was done and it was done well. A simple ship with a dragon head carved on the front and a blue dragon sail.   “Every ship needs a name,” Circi said, smacking the side of the boat.   Veli smiled, “She does, Destiny.” Now if we follow the river it’ll lead us right into Elven Waters. From there we go North and past Eldre.”   “You say that like it’s easy,” Circi scoffed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Circi sighed as she watched the water be moved by the boat. The sun was beginning to set over the ocean and the wind died. Veli got up and stuck out his arms. Suddenly the boat started moving once again.   “You’re lucky,” Circi grumbled.   “How’s that?” Veli mocked.   “I’ve spent hours staring over runes, mixing ingredients, and casting spells again and again, but I couldn’t figure out Dad’s gift. Why can you? I swear you can’t even read but you can use Dracon magic!”   “Hey Circi.”   “What!”   “We're here,” he said, gesturing to the right”   Circi was in awe. The moon reflected off the giant glaciers in front of her. Suddenly the boat began to rock. “What are you doing?” Circi asked, trying to hold on.   “I’m not doing anything, there’s something under us!”   The boat only rocked harder. The waves crashed and battered the ship! The water began spinning and a vortex formed! The twins screamed as the ship was getting pulled. “Veli come here!” Circi yelled, grabbing him by the arm. She waved her hand and the two were engulfed in smoke! When it cleared they were on the snowbank, watching their ship get pulled under.   “You couldn’t have saved my ship too?”   Circi smacked him in the face, “Teleporting is extremely dangerous. Only the most skilled mages can do it flawlessly. You're lucky you have both of your arms!”   “We better find what dad sent us here for quick. I hope it's a ship."   Circi flicked her wrist and conjured a fireball; the two huddled up and continued down the only path. Veli felt like he was going mad. As he walked between the giant glaciers he could swear he heard the deep cracks of ice. Like something very large was moving above him, but he could see nothing. The twins watched the forming northern lights. They lit up the cold, stiff ice with hues of green and blue--It was also dead ahead of them. Veli drew his sword as they walked into the clearing. All around them there was nothing but snow and a lake, completely iced over. The twins approached the lake and looked down. The northern lights were illuminating a shadow under the ice. As Veli went to step forward the ice blasted apart into the air! It was a dragon that had come from the lake. Its scales were like sapphires and its white teeth like lances.   “Kuthu you wingless bastard! What the Hell,” Veli roared!   Metal clinking could be heard behind them. They whipped their heads around and beheld their father. Fully armored and armed with his sword Waterfall. Its cross-guard, twisting steel that reached upward towards the blade, it had a slight blue tint. The handle, stitched Baken hide, and dyed a deep black. The pommel a diamond shape with a raised dragon head on both sides, also with a slight blue tint. A large and thick black fur coat sat atop armor. The warrior and the dragon began circling the kids. “This is your trial. You will pass it or you will die,” Filavandrel told his children. He threw off his coat and swung for his son!   Veli met his father’s sword with his own! The two were locked in, Fil twisted and kicked Veli in the gut!   Circi shot her hand out and threw her father across the field! “Come on Veli,” she said, helping him up. “You hold off dad while I deal with Kuthu.”   Veli nodded and they charged forward! The dragon shot out a torrent of water, it blasted apart the ice and missed its target! It went in for a bite & Circi fed it a fireball! Kuthu reared back and gagged. He thrashed his tail and cut into the witch’s leg!   Circi picked herself back up and limped forward, touching the dragon’s head.   “Sleep,” she whispered. Kuthu writhed and strained but slowly drifted off to sleep. Circi drew her boot dagger and looked at the sleeping dragon. She threw the knife down and slumped down next to Kuthu.   Meanwhile it was father versus son. Veli went in fast! Swinging, slicing and parrying, but he simply couldn’t touch Filavandrel. Every strike was blocked! Not even a scratch was put on his armor. He grabbed the boy by his collar and threw him down!   “You fight like a bitch,” the father mocked, twirling his blade. “Fight me like a man!”   Veli stuck his arm out behind him and the icy river began to fly for Filavandrel! The water was cold, dark, and full of ice shards. The Dragon Rider flicked his wrist and the water splattered on the ground. He held his sword high and began to approach the boy slowly. Veli stood firm and ready--holding his ground. As his father drew near he twisted his arm and a wall of snow knocked Filavandrel down! Veli seized the moment and put his sword to the visor of Fil’s helmet.   “It is done,” Veli said.   “So it is,” his father replied.     Veli helped his father up and they rejoined Circi and Kuthu. Filavandrel hugged his children. “You have completed your Passage, you both fought well.”   Circi grimaced, “Are you serious dad? You sent us to a frozen wasteland and just so you can attack us with your dragon! Oh god the ship sinking was you too wasn’t it?”   “I did what I had to for your sake.”   “Bullshit, you tried to kill us.”   “Listen to me! The methods were extreme but they are justified. As you two come of age you will be in more danger. I have made many enemies and deadly allies in my youth. Like it or not that will haunt you. I want you two ready for whatever comes your way.”   “What aren’t you telling us dad?” Circi demanded.   “Come, it is time to go home,” Filavandrel sighed.