The Princess & The Hero

Come here one and all. You seek tales and fables, yes? Then let me tell you a story of a hero and a princess. Now before you walk away let me assure you, this is no tale of a hero in shining armor rescuing a beautiful damsel, no. This story is how a hero and a princess took an entire country, and the blood they spilt together to do it. Many, many years ago, before some of you were even born, our country was conquered. An army of sand demons from the east swept in at night. The burned houses, tore down towers, killed mothers and raped children. Those of us who did not die ran, what else was there to do? We ran and ran until we reached the edge of the world and met a strange people, but they do not matter now.   The King of our land died in this strange land. His daughter, our Princess, lived in the dirt, knowing nothing but cold and pain. She was a beautiful thing. Her hair was snow white, purer than the sun. Her frame was small but her very presence elevated her above all men, and her eyes were such a dazzling blue she was named after them, her name? Princess Crystal Ursain, the White Bear.   Crystal hated all things in life. She cursed the world for her misery. She was kind and caring to the people but alone she was vengeful and full of wrath. So imagine her surprise when one summer’s morning a hero with raven black hair and emerald eyes rode into her hamlet atop a blue wingless dragon. This hero was known as Filavandrel and he claimed he could help the princess get back what was hers. The man was strong, mysterious, and so very handsome, the princess agreed without a second thought.   So the two dawned armor, her’s made of chain and furs, his steel plated, but somehow not bulky at all. Together they tore into The Vale, if only we could have seen it. Some say they rode into the great castle atop a bear and dragon respectfully. The princess cut a bloody path back to her throne, and the hero washed away all rebellion. When Crystal finally sat upon her throne Filavandrel bent the knee, vowing to protect the lady and the country with his mighty dragon. Some say the two were lovers, some say they bore children, but it is all rumor. All that we truly know is that the princess and hero took back The Vale, and killed anyone who stood in their way.