The Ruins of Ak'ar Building / Landmark in Ire | World Anvil

The Ruins of Ak'ar

Ak'ar was built as a temple to the Ancient one. A grand tower that did not reach upward but down, under the blanket of sand above and deep into the heart of the ground. The only trace of its existence was a small cube shaped building that sat atop of it. This room was for pilgrims to make final preparations before descending into the tower. Each level was meant to get you closer to the ancient one. Empty rooms for solitary meditation and only when you were ready would the door to the next level would open. The top of the tower and the final room is said to either be the Ancient ones home or a portal into it's realm of existence. No one knows because even for the pilgrims that made it all the way through each of the 72 rooms the 73rd never opened. Every one who tried to get into the final room has been denied and turned away in vain.   There was one pilgrim who tried "Other" methods of making it into the final room. Joh'na of the Mendax made his way to the 72nd room and instead of meditating tried to force the door open through his own means. This did bring him in contact with the Ancient one, but not in the way Joh'na had wished. The Ancient one was furious with Joh'na and it shook the ground. It sent out an earthquake strong enough that after shocks were felt in the Eldre mountains. It brought the tower in on its self. It broke down the rooms and shot them back out of the earth and into the sky, it whipped the stone tower around in a tornado of rage. The furry lasted for 72 days before it came to an end. The serpent sages stepped in to try and stop it but in this they failed. When the Ancient one was done the ruins of the tower fell to the ground around the cuboidal room and there they stay to this day, the way downward forever closed off to those above. The sages analyzed the ruins and found that only 72 of the rooms had come to the surface, meaning that the final room was still down below the sands. They enlisted Dhulka to dig down to find it but everyone that dug down to it never came back up. The Serpent Sages decided that whatever lays in that room is meant to be closed off to the world and that no one else should try to get inside.
Temple / Church