The Traitors under the Moon

You know of Vexus King of the Desert, you know how he united his people and protected the continent against great evil. Yet you know not of the kings before him. So come and sit, let me tell you of the King we all wish to forget, the Mad King. Melodula was king to our people years an years ago, a king of the Harsh Age. Melodula took his victory in the pit through brute strength and pure rage. The Dhulka are known for their strength yes but even among his people Melodula stood strong. In combat he wore no armor for the strength of his scales was that of steel. He did not need a weapon to kill because his grip could smother the life out of the moon. He cared not for politics and met every problem by putting a pike through it. Any one of any tribe that questioned him would bring a storm of death onto their home. For nine years no one spoke up, nine years he plundered and slaughtered. Mocking our traditions and way of life. He even sent parties to raid in the Vale freely. For those nine years our king sat on a throne of shame and a sea of blood surrounded our capital.   "What happened then papa? What happened to the king?"   Patience young neolate. Power is dangerous, it invites challenge and Melodula invited much challenge from the other tribes. The King plundered Meltwater year after year for its ice. He had artisans build great sculptures from it and than pissed on them to mock the Ukulutha. He razed the camps of the Mendax and used them as slaves. So on the ninth year of his rule the two tribes allied together and hatched a plan. Their spys had been taken as slaves and so in the night the spys snuck their way out of the slums, through the city, under shadow and under cloak. They made their way onto the walls and opened the city gates. The warriors of the Ukulutha and the Mendax made their way into the palace, killed the king's guard and slit open Melodula's belly as he slept.   "That was a terrible ending papa. They didn't fight or battle?" No little one they did not "What was the point of the story then?" The point, my child, is that anyone can change fate, from chieftains of war to the seamstress in her hovel, anyone can make change, if they only take the risk.