The Union of Dragon & Bear

Uhtred’s gut churned as the carriage drew closer to the gate, but he had to admit he was a little impressed. The scale of Xares was massive compared to the holds and towns of the Isles. His awe quickly faded as he entered the city and got a whiff of the air. He groaned and leaned back on the cushion.   Rose tried to comfort the boy, “Don’t worry Uhtred the smell gets better past the second wall.”   “The smell isn’t the problem,” Uhtres sighed, brushing his shaggy black hair out of his emerald eyes.   Titus scowled, the kind of scowl only a bitter man can give. “You don’t have problems boy. I could have killed you and your father, but he gets Greenshire, and you get to be raised in the royal court. So put a damn smile on your face.”   Rose silenced her husband with a stare, “That’s true, and you'll be treated as befits an Ursain. Isn’t that right Your Grace?”   “You’ll be taught the sword, the horse, bow, and diplomacy. You will also serve my wine, clean my chambers, and anything else asked of you. You’ll be treated fine, but you're not an Ursain.”   The air did clear as the procession drew closer to the castle, but with each wall he passed Uhtred only felt more, and more like a prisoner. He knew the truth of the matter. He wasn’t here to be raised like a Prince and learn the way of his grandfather’s people. He was here as a hostage, insurance that his father wouldn’t rise against Titus. Perhaps the King knew that if his father did rise that he would win, and his dynasty would be at an end. Uhtred had already heard whispers of the King’s failings, and faults. He proved a good General in war, but now in peace he is unraveling. Finally the carriage came to a stop; they were there.   Prince Ælfric helped Uhtred out of the carriage and smiled, “Lord Uhtred Velison, I welcome you to Castle Brun.”   Titus sneered   Uhtred went pale at the site of it. Towers and walls of great old stone that rose above the three walls of the city. Great gold banners with a black bear sigil lined the battlements and hung above the gate. On the walls Uhtred recognized runes carved into the stone.   Ælfric watched as the Uhtred grinned, “It was built by my ancestor Bulugard Ursain, he was a pagan, as were many at the time.”   “That’s enough boy!” Titus bellowed. ************************************************************************************************************************   The bedroom was cold, and devoid of color. Uhtred wandered around like a ghost. Every time he closed his eyes he was back on the field, watching them all die. He floated over to the window and looked down at the city. It rushed and buzzed all around him. Everyone so concerned with what they were doing that they didn’t notice anyone else--certainly not Uhtred.    The door creaked open and Ælfric entered. Now Ælfric, Uhtred thought, was much more suited for a room like this. The sparse decor, and lack of color matched with his thin frame and serious face. The two were nearly the same age, but Ælfric looked so more aged, and ran down. “Lord Uhtred, forgive my interruption,” he said with a bow.   “Enough with the Lord stuff, I’m not a Lord.”   “Then may I ask who you are?”   Uhtred stepped forward, “I am Uhtred Wolf-Faced, son of Veli, and I will escape here and rejoin my father; When I do we will take your throne!”   Ælfric smiled, “Is that so? It seems to me like you're a servant to my father, and a hostage.”   Uhtred’s eyes grew wide, “I thought you were on our side Prince! You and your mother both gave their word to my father! Where I come from, honor is important to Royals!”   “I am on your side, Uhtred, but my father is King. So our game must be played around the corner, away from his eyes. He was just about to kill you both until my Uncle said something. I have helped you.”   Uhtred spat, “You have doomed me. My ancestors did so much for yours, but you’ve doomed me.”   “You’re not seeing the bigger picture, Uhtred. Your father is now in a seat of power within The Vale, and now you will be trained, and raised side by side with my family. When you next see your father you will be much more useful to him, and I will make sure you can remain in contact with him.” Uhtred turned back to the window, “What’s first?”   Ælfric grinned, “A haircut.” ****************************************************************************************************************************   Raemond looked everything like his mother. His hair golden, his eyes blue, and his confidence radiating out of his body. His armor clinked as he rolled his shoulders and approached. This was far from a fair fight, as Uhtred had been given no armor, just a sword & shield. Yet Uhtred was confident. He could tell as soon as he looked in his eyes that the Prince had never seen combat.   “Here wolfy, wolfy, wolf,” Raemond heckled. “Your new name is going to be skinned-face!” The prince thrusted forward! Uhtred turned and kicked his shield!   Joann giggled from the balcony above. Uhtred looked up and sighed. He had found one pleasant part of being a hostage.   Uhtred smirked and began bashing on the Prince’s shield. The blonde boy could barely hold back the strikes and kept staggering back! Uhtred ripped Raemond’s shield away and struck him across the face!   The Prince began crying where he fell, soon the King’s men had surrounded him, and pulled Uhtred away. “You have got to be kidding me.” Uhtred thought. It was only a training sword. His grandfather had him fighting with edged weapons when he was nine. He looked back to the Princess who rewarded his victory with a smile. Uhtred approached to help the Prince up, but he was pushed away.   “Pagan bastard,” Raemond spat, as he got up from the cobbles. “You’ll burn one day for your sins.”   “So will you,” Uhtred replied.   A running boy bolted onto the courtyard with a grim look. “My Prince, and Princess your father has called a witan! You are requested at once.”   Raemond pushed Uhtred aside, and walked off the court, and into the hall.   “You were requested as well Velison,” The messenger added.   Uhtred nodded and followed after the Prince. Worry filled his head as he walked down the brightly lit corridors. What was this about? Was Titus preparing to attack Greenshire? Has something happened to his father, and why was he requested? The Nobles were already sitting around the table when Uhtred opened the door. He grabbed a wine jug and took his place next to the King & Queen. Who were both wearing their crowns and sigil, this was definitely about war.   Titus scratched his brown beard, “Now then Uncle what is this about.”   The half-elf rose, “It regards Alexander my Lord.”   The room fell silent, and despair hung in the vast open air. Rose looked to the ground; Titus gazed up into the chandelier.   “He was leading an attack and was captured,” Francois said, breaking the silence.   Rose began to weep and the King took her in his arms.   “He was last seen being taken beyond the Black Mountains. Bayard is spending every man he has to retrieve him. Hope yet lives.”   “Make sure he brings my boy back Francois,” Titus said, masking his voice.   “I will do everything in my power, Your Grace, but there is more to discuss.”   “Oh for the love of God, Get on with it then!” Uhtred was taken aback by the King’s voice. His tone was always loud and cold, but this time there was rage, and pain in it. For a moment Titus seemed like a real human being.   Francois coughed, “Glanduil Ularic has called his banners home.”   Titus rose, “He what?”   “As of three weeks ago all Elven troops have left Ashgaurd, and with the recent turmoil in Greenshire we have no hope of replacing their numbers.”   “What reason has the Elf given?”   “He claims they are needed at Dragon Coast, to fend off the Viking attacks.”   Ælfric then spoke, “Why are the Dwarves raiding in the Golden Land? Surely they have seen enough plunder from the East?”   “To this we have inquired but have received no message back.”   Titus rubbed his forehead, “The alliance is falling apart. Another continental war is coming.”   “You think the Bullks will invade again Your Grace?” Ælfric asked.   “Possibly, or a war between every country on Kerne. What do you make of this boy?” Titus asked, looking to Uhtred.   Paralyzed with shock he did nothing.   “I am speaking to you boy!”   “I think Your Grace is correct,” Uhtred stammered.   “Horseshit, Is your grandfather not The Hero of The Vale, the Elf-Ender. Have you no insight?”   Uhtred straightened his back, “I think the alliance was always going to fail.”   Titus smirked, “Why is that?”   “Because the only thing uniting the four countries was their fear of the Bullks, but with them out of sight for most, the fear weakens, and so does the alliance.”   “Fear isn’t the only way to unite people,” Ælfric remarked.   “But fear is the only thing that unites Kerne.” **************************************************************************************************************************   “You’re leaving again?” Titus asked his wife, as he removed his shirt.   “I can’t tonight Titus, not with what we heard.”   Titus smacked the dresser, “It’s always something isn’t it. It’s been a year Rose.”   “I thought you lost interest Your Grace. Once I gave you your heirs you’ve spent more time with finer women.”   Titus rushed to her and grabbed her waist. “There is no one finer my Rose.”   The Queen pushed her husband away, “Not tonight.”   “You’re hiding something, I know it.”   “I would never hide anything from you My Grace, it would be treason.   “Then tell me, tell me why Riderson acted like he was expecting you? He was stabbing daggers in my heart the whole time, but not you.”   “I suppose his hatred of you was too consuming,” she said, walking out the door.   “Was it wrong?” Titus blurted out.   “Was what wrong?”   “What my father did, what I did.”   Rose paused, “Right or wrong they were both done for The Vale.”   “That boy will grow to hate us. Once he’s grown I suspect he will try to kill us. If his father doesn’t try first.”   Rose entered the room, “You are the King, what do you have to fear from a pagan?”   “We both know he’s not just a pagan Rose. Neither is the boy! If the alliance shatters, The Vale will be weakened, and Riderson’s army might be small, but his Circle is strong.”   “Then put to rest Uhtred’s rebellion before it begins.”   “How?” Titus asked exasperated.   Now Rose drew close to him, “I’ve seen the way he looks at Joann, and she him.”   Titus threw his wife into the door! “You would marry my daughter that heathen! Soil my line and spoil her honor!”   “If they are married then Uhtred will be swayed, and Veli will not attack,” Rose said, cleaning the blood from her mouth. “When his father is gone Uhtred will be Ealdorman, and Joann his wife. Their children will carry Filavandrel’s Gift Titus!”   Titus staggered back onto the bed, and brushed his face, “She is my only daughter.”   “If the alliance falls then The Vale will need that boy, and if our family is to survive so shall we,” she said, leaving the room.   Titus sat at his desk and unfurled a blank scroll, and wrote For The Ealdorman of Greenshire’s Eyes Only *******************************************************************************************************************************   The throne room had been decorated for the occasion. White versions of the royal banner hung from the pillars. Tables were everywhere, and covered with large portions of food. Complete strangers, with colorful outfits filled the room all because they were Nobles. Uhtred had been taught some history of The Vale from his father and recognized a few crests: The wolf of House Gray, The rune of House Locklin, The dog of House Spear-Brave, and he remembered well the horse of House Trueborn, and the boar of House Eberson well.    His soon to be brother in-laws stood behind him at the base of the throne. The horns blew and the Knights of 13 marched into the hall. Eleven of them stood across from each other, one was clearly missing, while their Captain knelt. His armor gold & his hair grey. He rose and drew his sword. The knights all drew and held their weapons high, as the Princess entered.    Her honey hair was braided into a bun, and her white dress trailed behind her. Her father bore his crown and walked his daughter down the aisle as drums played. The King removed his daughter’s veil and presented her to Uhtred.   Chaplain Eadburt raised his hand, and the music stopped, “We gather her before men & God to join these two souls together. So that they may know love, honesty, and in death be united together in Aeara. Will the couple present themselves to the Lord?”   Uhtred, and Joann put their hand on the statue on the altar.   “Will you, Uhtred of the Hero’s House, take, love, and protect Joann of House Ursain for eternity & beyond?”   Uhtred melted as he took his bride’s hand, “For eternity & beyond.”   “And will you, Joan of House Ursain, take, love, and serve Uhtred the Hero’s House for eternity & beyond?”   Joann gazed off into Uhtred’s deep green eyes, “For eternity & beyond.”   “Then share your love as man and wife before God,” Father Eadburt said with a bow.     The two pulled each other in and kissed, the marriage was official. The nobles cheered, and clapped, and the lively music began to fill the hall. Uhtred picked up his bride and carried her onto the dance floor, but the King was nowhere to be seen.    As the couple danced The Queen made her way to the wine. A thin comly woman with onyx black hair approached, and poured a glass. “The Princess looks beautiful, Your Grace,” she said with a smile.   “That she does Susanna. I must admit I was worried she would never get married,” Rose giggled.   “It is surprising a boy finally caught her eye, and one with such prospects at that.”   Rose saw the twist in Susanna’s violet eyes, “Joann has alway been more interested in the more exotic things,” she giggled coldy.   “Mother like daughter.”   “Forgive me, I must be impeding you Susanna. In fact I'm amazed you found the time to be here. Being my husband’s personal mage you must be exhausting all you have to find our son.”   “I am a woman of talent, my Queen. I can treat you too if you like.”   “I am not in need of treatment.”   “Oh forgive me, My Queen, I just assumed. After all, you’re glowing.”   Rose’s face went white, “I’m pregnant?”   “You did not know? We must tell the King, he will be overjoyed.”   Rose grabbed the witch’s wrist, “No, he does not need to know yet. Not until we are sure it will survive.”   Susanna grinned, “Yes of course, Your Grace. If the King were to lose to family member’s he would be devastated,” she said walking away.   Rose pounded her glass of wine, and poured another.   The crowd started cheering as Uhtred gingerly climbed onto a table. They were clapping, and chanting, “Do it!” Uhtred raised his hands and the guests' wine flew up from their cups and began swirling in the air! The drunk Nobles all roared, and Uhtred roared back. The win buzzed around Joan in a circle, and then shot around the chandeliers, and right into Raemond’s face!    Laughter filled the room as the wine soaked Prince stormed out of the room. Ælfric stepped up onto the table with Uhtred and grabbed his shoulder, “A toast to my new brother! May the peasants of Greenshire sleep soundly at night now that their Lord has returned! Long may the Dragon prosper!”    Those words rang through the hall, and carried across lips to the King. Who did not take them lightly ************************************************************************