Tournament of Successors

The city was buzzing as the Gray's walked through the gate. Before they had even taken a step into the city an Royal escort met them.   "House Gray! it is my great honor and privilege to welcome you into our great home." Said a man dressed in the most elaborate purple clothes. "I am Prince Julian, son of King Titus ll. Let me and my men escort you to the castle where you shall be staying.   Ealdorman Syndri Gray stepped forward and removed her hood. "Why hello Julian. What a warm greeting you have given us. If only you father honored us as you do." she said smiling.   Prince Julian was baffled. "My father is honored to host your family Lord Syndri. He shall meet you at the castle.   Syndri smiled bigger, "If your father truly respected us he would not have sent his bastard whoreson to welcome us."   "My Lord"   "I know who you are Julian, I have friends all over the land, and they have all spoken about you. The Pretender Prince, they call you. We will make our own way to Castle Brun."   The Gray family pushed passed the Royal escort and made their way through the three districts. Camila Gray winced all the way through District 1. Its smell was much to harsh for her nose.   The Castle's hallways were cold and brisk. Warmth found the Grays only as they entered the throne room. They kneeled before the elegant wooden throne. It was carved from a tree that all of Xares was built around. It molded with the stone floor so seamlessly. It was twisted and complex. The throne stood tall above them, elevated by several large steps. A golden sash ran down the center of the throne, and atop it, King Titus ll.   "Rise!" the king boomed. The King stood up from his throne and his court rose with him. King Titus ll waved his hand and the court sat down. The King walked down the eight steps until his was face to face with Syndri. His perfume completely overwhelmed her as he got closer. He grabbed her hand firmly and smiled.   "Welcome Syndri. I am glad you could make it. Although now my son will have some real competition in the tournament."   Syndri smiled and shook his hand. "Thank you, but I fear my house in no match for Alexander."   "Ah" the King sighed. "If only he was here today. No, my son is still away in Ashgaurd."   "He brings honor and protection to us all." Syndri assured him "If you don't mind me asking Sire, who will be fighting for you?"   "My son, Prince Raemond. Come boy stand." A tall blond young man with golden curly hair who looked like he just couldn't be bothered stood up.   Syndri stared the boy down. "An imposing figure your highness. House Gray will have a true challenge."   King Titus ll puffed himself up with the compliment. "Thank you. And who will be fighting for you my lady?"   Syndri grabbed one of the women that came with her by the shoulder and dragged her out. "My sister, Hera Gray."   King Titus ll stopped smiling and hesitated, than began smiling again. "Very good. Julian! show our guests their quarters."   The next morning Syndri was escorted to her special chair above the arena. The common people are going wild, she thought to herself. Do they really enjoy this pompous form of politics? She looked to her left and to her right. All of the important families were here already, and any of them who had half a mind would be entering a champion to try and earn favor and status. House Trueborn, Eberson, Rider, Locklin, Rose and more, they were all here. Ealdormen Kane, Borus and Elanor sat themselves around Syndri. "Kane Eberson." Syndri said with a smile. "Now I know this tournament is for real."   Kane only smiled and gave no answer.   King Titus ll and Queen Rose stood up from their chairs, seated above the Ealdormen of The Vale, as the contenders walked onto the cobbled arena. King Titus ll threw up his hands and spoke. "Welcome lovely citizens of Xares! Today you will watch Great house battle it out with Great House! Watch and behold. Witness the warriors of The Vales great protectors. Sit, watch and enjoy!" The King and Queen sat and the King's mage rose.   "For our first match!" she yelled "Aden Eberson of Furt, and The Royal Prince of The Vale, Prince Raemond!" The Trumpeters blew their horns as the gates opened. From the gate on the right Prince Raemond approached. He wore golden armor lined with black. He brandished his family's sigil on his shield. The black bear on gold. He soaked up every bit of attention on his way out. From the gate on the left Aden Eberson stepped forward. He held himself tall and proud. Although the silver boar engraved on his breastplate and the teal cape were to flashy for that. Aden and the Prince reached each other at last and the crowd went silent, the trumpeters silenced. The two drew and touched their blades. Aden's, a mediumly sized blade with a beefy pommel and thick double edged blade. Raemond's was thin and elegant, with a flashy guard. King Titus ll clapped his hands the the two began to fight.   "Who is your coin on?" Syndri whispered to the woman beside her.   Elanor smirked, "Syndri you know I am not a gambler."   "Mine is on Eberson." she whispered, ignoring Elanor's remark. "I got a good look at the Prince, he isn't much."   "Syndri, such a remark could be seen as treason."   The steel continued to crash below. the Prince struggled to gain an opening.   "All I am saying," Syndri whispered. "Is that Prince Pretty is not the most striking of his kin. Now if Prince Alexander were here it would be a fight but without him, well, I expect to be clapping for my sister by the end of this."   "Hera?" Elanor scoffed. "She is good but you underestimate my son."   "Either way, A Gray will be the winner." Syndri giggled   The battle down below grew fiercer. Aden was showing no mercy now, twirling his sword to annoy the Prince. Raemond grew furious and jabbed for Aden's head! Aden swept his sword over his face and knocked the Prince's sword from his hand! Aden delivered a swift kick to the Prince's chest and knocked him to the ground. When Aden pointed the tip of his blade at Raemond's throat the match was called. Aden was declared to use dirty tactics and was disqualified, Prince Raemond was the winner. Aden gripped his blade firm and shook it in his hand. He stared up to the King, and dropped his blade.   "A disgrace!" Kane Eberson muttered to himself.   "Come now," Ealdorman Borus said. "Your brother knew the rules of the fight."   "And we know who really won." Kane said quietly   The King's mage stood up once again. "Hera Gray versus John Brun!"   Kane Eberson scoffed. "The Brun family, how did they get into this? They are far from famous."   "Fame has to start somewhere." Elanor said.   Syndri chuckled, "It won't start here."   The two warriors readied themselves. Wolf versus Serpent, man versus woman. John Brun wielded a sharp withered spear, Hera carried two swords, one in her hand and the other on her back. Brun kept jabbing forward, Hera could only move back each time, the fight was not going in her favor. Brun thrust once more! Hera stepped to the left and grabbed the spear by its shaft! She pulled it forward and drove her sword down through it, breaking the spear. She curved the sword for John, knocking him back. John only had a stick now. Hera re-centered herself and walked slowly towards him. John threw down the stick and yielded.   "Told you." Syndri smirked at Elanor.   Kane Eberson grew a smirk that reached ear to ear. "Impressive, I would have not expected this."   "Why ever not?" Syndri asked, clearly insulted.   "Well, forgive me my lady but I had heard stories, about your sister. Is it true she is a bastard?"   Syndri's eyes rolled so hard they almost popped out. "My mother had her legitimized, but no matter her father Hera is the best warrior in Wolden."   The King's mage rose once more, her fair skin was starting to turn red in the sun. " Jackson Trueborn of Rainhom against Bran Wightclaw of the Iron Fortress!" as she sat down she flicked her black curly hair behind her.   The tension rose to a new high as the competitors walked in. Bran's blade was large and wavy, his short brown beard glistened in the sun. Jackson was well built his large arms each held an axe. The Raven versus the Horse, the battle was on.   Syndri looked puzzled. "Wightclaw is fighting for you isn't that correct Lord Borus?"   The young boy looked cocky and assured. "He is. The Wightclaw's have served my family for years, I am assured that Bran is their best."   "I am sure he is, but it's strange you chose someone from a completely different house. With a family as famous as yours I thought for sure your champion would be carrying a dragon banner, not a raven."   Borus was infuriated at the slight, he face turned red. "I wanted to give everyone else a chance! If my family had entered none of you could even hope to win!"   Kane began laughing. "You are gracious little lord, but everyone in your family is either dead or a traitor."   Borus rose out of his chair. "Why don't we step into the arena and I'll prove that there is one dragon left!"   "Forgive me Borus, of course. I know if the rules had allowed it you would be fighting for your house and your families honor. Forgive me, my wife has told me I'm not the most pleasant when I'm drunk."   Borus huffed back down into his chair. You're never pleasant. He thought to himself. He calmed down when he saw the outcome of the battle, Bran had won. *********************************************************************************************************************************** Raemond peered up at the figure that was his father. His King father stared at him with distain. "It won't happen again father."   "Your sister could have fought better than you! You finally had a chance to distinguish yourself, with your brother away this was your chance, but today..."   The following silence was horrid. The shadows casted on the wall by the braziers were almost snickering at Raemond. Even the drafts that usually filled the castle were silent. The Prince couldn't take it so he spoke. "I was, feeling ill today, bad water, it won't happen tomorrow, I promise."   "Do you know who you are fighting tomorrow boy?" his father asked gripping the throne hard. "Hera Gray."   Raemond's eyes grew wide   "That girl has been traveling the country since she was 14. In Wolden they sing songs about her battles and adventures. What have you accomplished? What great feats does Prince Raemond have to celebrate? You are not my heir no, and you aren't a knight like your brother. You have become to comfortable with your cozy lifestyle boy! "   The Prince rushed upward, "Are you removing me from the tournament?!"   "Of course not! We have a standard to uphold, my father would turn in his grave if I did such a thing." I can hear him mocking me even now. " He is just As pathetic as you are", he would say. Titus ll thought to himself. "You will fight and you will win. I don't know how you will do it, but you will beat the bastard girl, or I'll have half a mind to enter your uncle!" ********************************************************************************************************************************* The roaring and cheering outside grew louder and louder. Raemond sat sharpening his blade, his mind stuck. Not the admiration of fans nor the hustling of contestants could draw his attention. He sat slumped sharpening, just sharpening. With each stroke of the whetstone his mind drifted farther and farther. His servant tried in vain to stand Raemond up so that he may put on the Prince's armor.   A thin, little man wandered into the room and examined the situation. He made his way to Raemond and sat beside him. He looked very out of place in the room. The room was full of brawny warriors armed to the teeth and fully armored, yet he was a spindly man with short brown hair and a fancy robe. "The armorer did a fine job." he said putting his hand on Raemond's shoulder. "The sigil looks great on you, you look just like the paintings of King Sigurd."   In an instant Raemond snapped back to reality, his face grew a smile. "Brother, what are you doing in a place like this?"   "I wanted to thank you. After all you are fighting in my stead."   "That's not true Alfred. Father ordered me directly."   "Yes he did, but we all know it is because he has no faith in me. He isn't wrong, I wouldn't have the slightest chance, If I were to fight disgrace would surly follow. Although I fear my lack of battle brings father disgrace as well."   "Don't take it to hard. He is just upset Alex isn't here, he fills himself up with the accomplishments of everyone else. The mighty bears of Xares he calls us, unfortunately this time he only had cubs to choose from."   Alfred chuckled quietly. "All cubs become bears." he said patting his brother's back. "Don't do this for dad, or even for the family. Fight for yourself." With that Alfred got up and left the room.   Raemond got up and let his servant finish his job. A sense of pride puffed up his chest as his golden breastplate was strapped on. The gauntlets slipped on easier than they ever had before. He sheathed his blade and strapped it to his side. He hugged his shield to his side and flipped his golden curls back as he stepped through the gate. The sunlight was blinding, the crowd deafening, the horns that blew as he stepped out could hardly be heard.   The Prince looked up to his left, everyone was there. His father, with his brown tied behind him and determination and anger across his face. His mother, beautiful with her honey hair, she looked scared. His sister, just like his mother. The sun glistened of his uncle's bald head, and then there was Julian, the bastard. Raemond looked for Alfred but his seat was empty.   His opponent came out now. The Wolf's twin swords were beaten and weathered. Her red hair was a little choppy in places. Scares ran across her face, without them her face would have nothing as she showed no emotion. She drew one sword from her back, Raemond drew his. His father's magician spoke the words and the fight was on!   Hera spun her blade and bashed it into the Princes shield! Raemond pushed forward and threw her back! He lunged forward, missed! The warriors drew back and breathed. They circled each other, the Wolf and the Bear, one would be the hunter, the other the prey. Raemond swung his blade but faked the Wolf out, Hera reacted to her dismay and the Prince rammed his shield into her gut! His needle-like blade pierced forward to her neck. With the flick of her wrist steel met steel and Hera saved herself!   Hera Gray drew her second sword now and held both closely. She swung but only met the wood of a shield. The second sword swept itself under the shield and into the Prince's leg. Blood stained the Prince's pants and he froze in shock. Hera turned her sword around, she slammed her pommel into Raemond's face. He slumped down, spitting out a tooth and plenty of blood with it. It tasted of iron and shame. He felt the steel rest on his bent neck next. The horn blew and Hera sheathed her blades, she had won.   Raemond rose and was showered in cheering and snickering. He looked back up the the high stand, his father was looking away. He turned behind him and saw Alfred, amongst the people, he had seen everything. Hera took Raemond's hand in her firm grasp. "You fought well my Lord." she said.   "Not well enough."   Over the next two days the tournament continued, some matches more thrilling than others. It was a event full of blood and ale alike. Raemond did not bother to watch any of it after his defeat and his foe Hera Gray would go on to win the tournament for the Gray family.