Vaelock The Chosen Character in Ire | World Anvil

Vaelock The Chosen

"Bear no witness today, gaze not upon the false Emperor Look not at the liar, for he has taken what is yours. Thrust open the doors and shine my light upon the keep Rise my son, shine bright and claim what was taken" -The prophecy Vaelock claims the Light God gave him.   Vaelock yearned for the Elven throne and was willing to do whatever it took to have it. Over a couple hundred years he formed The Creed of Light. He shared with them the prophecy God gave him. Vaelock eventually did rebel and his war lasted over 200 years. In 1319 his creed was murdered and he was put to death.   Vaelock's name itself is a taboo in Tir Orail, just saying it is a crime and to name your child after him means execution. He is considered one of the three most powerful Elves to ever exist(there are some who are adamant he was and is the strongest to this day,) He was already born powerful but Vaelock also gained admittance to the College of Artwen, allowing him to learn magic that could rival the Dark One itself.    Vaelock's "morals" could change depending on what God told him. He burned victims, put pikes through their bodies, he invited the Iron Maiden, he used electricity to give his torture victims small controlled seizers, and so many more dark things I do not wish to speak of. His final battle with Faelin Ularic was so devastating they say they tore apart an entire mountain.
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