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De Claire Dukedom

The De Claire Dukedom is a pseudo-kingdom within the Republic of Gierund. It is controlled by the De Claire family, aided by their 4 main subordinate houses, the Andiret, the Lanoire, the Lindward, and the Venac houses.   The De Claire Dukedom is the southernmost dutchy in the Republic, is the youngest dutchy of the 6 Ducal families. With the close second being the Wolfe family.     The Dukedom was founded by a now legendary figure, Cassim De Claire, who had been born as the heir to a Marquess family in the Rhodes dutchy, ran away from home to seek out adventure and strength. After several years out on his adventures he achieved great things, achievements that could not be ignored that paved the way for the Vithier dutchy to tame their region and allow the Wolfe's ancestors to lay claim to their region as well. As a reward, his rank was raised, from a would be Marquess to a Duke in his own right, and he was given dominion over extremely wild untouched lands south of the Vithier Dukedom... a political punishment more than a reward, but one he had little choice but to accept for the sake of his family.   The "punishment" was imposed because the Arch-Duke and Dukes of the time saw someone like him a threat. Cassim, who travelled with non-human companions as an equal, even in those less tense times, was looked down upon for doing so. They had hoped that he and his party would die in those harsh lands, and didn't oppose him granting his party members ranks of their own.   Much to their dismay then, that they didn't die. At least not fast enough for their liking. Rather, they managed to forge a path into the land and found several powerful settlements that would last beyond their lives. They started their families and continued to push back the dangers of the land as adventurers flocked to follow these legends. Cassim was 30 when he had his first child and 33 his second before his wife tragically passed away.   They eventually met their unfortunate ends as they tried to push back the dangers of the land now known as the Dark Barony. Ending the Baronies golden age of growth as the dukedom was inherited by Cassim's oldest daughter. Cassim was 53 when he passed away.   At 24, Karla De Claire became the Dutchess of the region, together with her husband Jacob she tried to live up to her father's legacy. A challenge that, by all rights proved to much for her. Despite being unable to match her fathers pushes against the wilds, and even losing ground along the borders to the wilds, she did manage to grow what had been established, and protect her father's legacy. She managed to establish some new settlements, and stabilize a young new region. Despite her generally unremarkable legacy, and lack of notable accomplishments, she was a capable ruler who faced challenges that few had the experience to understand. She tragically passed away when she was 32, leaving behind two children, Roan (7) and Darlene (5). Jacob tried his best to run the dukedom after her passing, but was known to blunder often. His blunders eventually put his son, Roan in an unfavorable marriage that he felt couldn't be avoided. At 19 Roan got married to Yael, and a year later Jacob fell ill and passed away.   From the age of 20 to the current day, for 22 years Roan ruled over the De Claire dukedom. His rule managing to accomplishing minor changes, thwarted and thwarting Yael's influences on the dutchy.   Today, Roan continues as the Duke. His son, Eddard is currently his official heir, though he intends to declare Charlotte his new heir when she's made a bit more of a name for herself.

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