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Hilda is new to what could be called godhood. She is a Demigod rather than a goddess proper, one who still lives on the mortal plane. She has only just in the past 10 years become able to lend powers to others, and only has 4 "Followers". Followers are in quotes because they didn't seek her out, rather she found them and liked them, so she gave them a gift or she contacted them to just talk. She's actually helped others as well, but only 4 in depth.   She is "young" in the sense of gods, she's only 477 years old. She looks 15-16 and has a mentality to match. She was Born in the year 50 Ga.    She contacts her followers during her dreams, spending large amounts of time sleeping and watching their adventures.   She is the Daughter of Olympia,, born out of wedlock when Olympia turned her eye towards a Minotaur folk hero. As a result of that union, Hilda was born as the first Jotun.   She has long fire red hair, light tanned skin and soft green eyes. She wields two massive cleaver swords with Celtic patterns on them.   Her symbol is a thin crescent moon with the tips pointed upwards like a pair of horns. Crossing over it are the handles of her two great cleavers making an X.   She is the goddess of Bastards and Orphans, whom she's taken an interest in the journeys and stories of. She loves stories of found families.   She is Lawful Good.
Religious, Pantheon

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