Crystal Transport

Ley Crystals are massive shards of crystallized magic and residuum, precisely cut and fused to arcane machinery. While it is not known when or by whom these devices were originally constructed, their teleportation qualities have become the backbone of everyday transportation throughout the realm, with most managed and operated by individual city-states.   Though the exact mechanism behind teleportation via Ley Crystal is still largely a mystery. However, the transportation process takes only a matter of moments, allowing for nearly instant transportation to faraway destinations.   That being said, being broken down to your very base levels can take its toll on a body and rest is often required after several consecutive jumps, especially as the distance becomes greater. As a precaution, most city-states strongly discourage over-teleporting, as it can lead to irreversible damage.  

Uses of Crystals and Shards


In addition to being a method of transportation between cities (after a fee and attunement of course), people are also able to set a certain crystal as their "home point" through the use of jewelry. Adventurers are able to buy rings, earrings, bracelets, arm bands or ear cuffs with tiny ley crystals in them, and on their use takes the adventurer back to the designated homepoint. If the adventurer wishes to use the return again, they have to pay a small fee to recharge it.   Certain city-states also have a network of Crystal Shards that allows warping between key facilities in the city, at no cost to the adventurer. The Shards are smaller versions of the Crystals, usually barely the height of a female human of average height.


Teleportation Crystal

Wondrous Item

Uncommon Conjuration

Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: S
Duration: Instantaneous

The use of this crystal instantly transports you to the destination that has been attund to the crystal. You are unable to use any other object, and are unable to perform any other action while using this crystal.
Can be placed on a ring, bracelet, earring or necklace. Has one use and then needs to be recharged at the location of attunement.

To Use: Touch the object this is affixed to and concentrate on your destination.

Cost: 25gp