
Keeper of Knowledge, Guardian of Truth, God of Scholars, the Sagacious God
Danu is the goddess of knowledge, prophecy and skill.
Danu represents another side of civilization, that of learning, knowledge, and understanding. She encourages mortals to learn, plan, and understand that which they build.

Danu's church is relatively widespread in civilized lands, but has never held much power or political influence. Most Danu clerics avoid politics whenever possible, content to instead seek out books, preserve knowledge, and share their love of learning. The church of Danu usually maintains a temple or shrine in larger towns and cities, often as part of a larger museum, library, or academic institution.

Not surprisingly, Danu has proven a favorite patron god amongst wizards, teachers, alchemists, and sages. Danu stands for learning about magic and understanding the art.

Few temples dedicated to Danu exist in small towns or villages, and they are practically nonexistent in wilderness areas. In centuries past, the church operated far more temples, and Danu's priests served as librarians, sages, and teachers in almost every nation.

Divine Domains

Knowledge, skill, prophecy, tactics, study of magic, libraries, books, sages, alchemy

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Danu is frequently represented in religious iconography by either a triple eye symbol or a unique eye-and-staff symbol.

Tenets of Faith

  • Seek the perfection of your mind by bringing reason, perception, and emotion into balance with one another
  • Accumulate, preserve, and distribute knowledge in all forms
  • Be watchful at all times for the followers of the Dark One.
Divine Classification
