
Wanderer in the Wilderness, Goddess of Nature, the Untamed, Mother of the Wilds
Eirene is the goddess of wilderness and the sea. She watches over nature, good harvest, grants protection from washing away in storms, and guides the passage of ships.

Eirene does not oppose the proper and respectful use of nature’s bounty. She understands that people must hunt, grow food, and fashion clothing and shelter. She is not interested with merely preserving the wilderness untouched and unspoiled. Rather, Eirene seeks to maintain wilderness as home to as many plants, animals, and creatures as possible. If some creatures must die to support the others, so be it. If, however, some of the inhabitants despoil or taint the land, Eirene grows angry. Those who misuse or abuse the wilds are most apt to draw her ire, and are likely to incur a visit from several vengeful Eirene clerics or followers. The goddess despises cities and large towns, and sees these as wasteful, extravagant, and devoid of life. The unchecked spread of civilization represents, to Eirene, a cancer that must be checked and reversed when possible.
Although Eirene does not encourage reprisals against city dwellers, she rarely takes steps to discourage such reactions. Indeed, a number of zealous Eirene cults have devoted their efforts to destroying the encroachment of civilization into the wilds. These cults have often proven violent, unpredictable, and aggressive in their punitive activities.

Eirene reveals several different faces or aspects in the mortal worlds. As the goddess of nature, Eirene encompasses all the power, majesty, and ferocity contained in that concept. Nature can be destructive, savage, wild, and untamed. It can also prove restful, serene, awe-inspiring, and life-giving. The goddess reveals all these different realities.

There is no organized church of Eirene. Her priesthood has little need for organized temples, hierarchy of leadership, or formal training. Indeed, any person who feels the call to serve Eirene as a cleric may do so, assuming they devote their lives to her cause. Her clerics rarely concern themselves with buildings or specific liturgy, let alone “appropriate” robes, hats, or other religious paraphernalia often associated with other faiths. Eirene clerics spend their lives traveling and exploring, undertaking her service wherever they go.

Most worshippers devoted to Eirene are independent, stubborn, hardy, and enjoy their privacy. They see no need to travel to some building of stone or wood to worship the glory of nature.

Divine Domains

Wilderness, the sea, water travel, nature, forests, rangers, sailors, druids

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Her main symbol is a staff and wreath. In addition, another symbol is a swirl carved into a stone, or a slow cascading spiral with a wave crest at the center. In her role as a goddess of sea life, this symbol is also often painted onto a sea shell.

Tenets of Faith

  • Protect the wild places of the world from destruction and overuse.
  • Oppose the rampant spread of cities and empires.
  • Hunt aberrant monsters and other abominations of nature.
  • Do not fear or condemn the savagery of nature.


The Mother of the Wilds' holy day is known as Wild's Grandeur, celebrated on the vernal equinox.
Divine Classification
by Magic the Gathering
