
The Dawnfather, The Cleansing Light, The Everlight, The Healing Light, The Healing Flame
Ilmater is the god of redemption, healing and temperance. Compassion and peace are his greatest virtues, and if enemies of the faith can be redeemed, they should be.
Ilmater is one of the more popular deities on Irion, and followers of many other faiths respect his power, dedication and generosity. He is the god of boundless love and exquisite kindness, a caring friend, father, brother and protector of all lin need. He delights in healing the sick, lifting up the fallen and shining a guiding light into the darkest hearts and lands. He brushes off insults and deflects attacks, patiently trying to convince those who perceive him as an enemy that their belief is false. For all his patience and gentleness, however, he is no victim; if it becomes clear that his efforts are wasted, he responds with violence and predations upon the innocent with cleansing fire and scorching light. He dislikes cruelty, lies, needless suffering and thoughtless destruction. Ancient and timeless, he stands fearlessly against the full tide of darkness, promising that dawn will always come, and with it, hope, truth and kindness with triumph.

Religious art depicts the sun god as a man with bronze skin and hair of dancing flame, fully encased in golden armor. One of his hands offers the light of the sun, while the other wields a sword against those who would spread darkness, hatred and pain.

The church does not teach that Ilmater is the sun itself; rather, he is its guardian and conduit for its power, and while fanciful art may show his face in place of the sun, the mainstream faith recognizes the different between the star and the god.

The Dawnfather's faith is a broad one, and the majority of his worshipers are everyday folk who recognize the power of the sun, take comfort in the idea of a deity's love, and compassion and believe strongly in both redemption and righteous action. His faith attracts those with kind hearts who are nevertheless willing to harden them when kindness is a dangerous weakness. It's clergy are usually seen as valiant protectors and enlightened teachers.
Indicates his favor with sightings of doves, rays of dawn or dusk sunlight that last far longer than they should, the discovery of yellow stones or gems, or the sudden soothing of aches and pains. His displeasure is most often made apparent through unexplained sunburns or periods of blindness that can last anywhere from mere moments for minor transgressions to a lifetime for mortal sins.

Divine Domains

Sun, Redemption, Honesty, Healing, Atonement, Compassion, Glory, Goodness

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Angelic ankh

Tenets of Faith

  • Recognize the power of the sun
  • Take comfort in the idea of a deity's love and compassion
  • Believe strongly in both redemption and righteous action.


The most commonly celebrated holiday by the followers of Ilmater is Burning Blades, held on the summer solstice.
Divine Classification
Neutral Good
