Lady Hellion Hacke

A lithe woman who acts in only her best interests, her body stretched thin through her use and abuse of magic. Wears the coat and cape of a captain, a tricorn hat atop her head, her hair wild about her face. Her eyes glow yellow in the dark.
The greatest pirate ever was called Lady Hellion Hacke, and she captained a ship called the Crimson Sail. From her early twenties and onward, she made a name for herself on the high seas by stealing from merchant vessels, plundering ancient tombs, and sinking any do-gooder vessel that would try to make good on her bounties.

One day, her pride got the better of her, and she sailed to an isolated, island volcano in the middle of nowhere, after hearing a tale that a slumbering, wealthy dragon lived inside. Seeing no entrance to the dragon's lair, she ordered her crew to begin mining their way through the rock of the mountain. For months they labored, and though the work was dangerous and exhausting, no man dared speak against their terrifying captain. Lady Hacke was driven by her greed, and in pursuit of the largest score of her life, she lost all regard for her crew. Scores of souls were lost to cave-ins, or were simply worked to death while the Lady took a handful of sailors back and forth to the mainland for supply runs, detaching herself from the plight of her crew. Every night when they returned to their bunks, she would berate them, her resentment at the slow progress turning to manic anger over the course of the long days at sea.

Finally, they broke through into the dragon's lair, finding the wyrm unmoving even after weeks of close-by mining. While it slept, they carted wagonfuls of coin and gems back to the Crimson Sail... but of course, the dragon's ear was keen to hear its hoard disturbed, and after most of its treasure had been taken, its great eyes opened, and it roared in fury!

Lady Hacke roared back, attacking with sword and spell. Though she was getting on in years, her vast experience made no one her equal on the battlefield, and she was determined to show that this dragon would be no exception. She underestimated her opponent, though, and many times she was almost slain, saved at the last moment by her loyal crew.

In the end, after exhausting her spells and shattering her enchanted cutlass on the dragon's hide, Lady Hacke knew the battle was nearly over. The dragon was utterly spent, its claws dulled, teeth broken, breath wheezing so that it could produce no flame. It grasped one of the largest chests in its hoard, lifting it above its head as it sought to crush her. Seeing her doom, the Lady used the greatest treasure she'd ever stolen to steal her victory: a ring of three wishes. She wished that the dragon's greed would trap it here forever—the chest became as weighty as a mountain, slamming the great wyrm against the rocks and crushing it dead.

Hellion bellowed a victorious cry, but none of her allies responded. In the aftermath of the battle, she sorrowfully realized that every last one of them—from deckhands to her trusted first mate—had all given their lives so that she could have this fortune.

It was said that she gave up her pirating ways right then and there, and drifted the Crimson Sail out to sea, never to be seen again.
Yellow in black
Dark brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation