The Schism

When the gods first came to Irion, primordial forces responded in the power shift of the world, and destroyed vast swaths of mortal populations. Which created a schism between the gods.

On one side, the Prime Deities wanted to protect their creations from the Titans. They proceeded to teach their children how to make magic on their own, culminating in the birth of arcane magic. But the other gods became so overwhelmed - by grief, loss, and frustration - they wanted to join the Titans in destroying their creations. These gods, known as the Betrayer Gods, wanted to give up on this world and start over somewhere else.

To save their children and their world, the Prime Deities banished the Betrayer Gods to their own prison planes, and with the help of the mortals' magic, the Primordial Titans were defeated and their essences safely channeled and locked away into the elemental planes. And thus, civilization dawned in the heart of the first city, Dunsland, and this world was finally named Irion.

Cover image: The Arrival by Cyarna