Character Creation Rules

Character Level Characters will start at level 14 and level up once during the game.   Ability scores Please use the standard array (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, and 8).
Alternativly, you can use the point buy method mentioned on page 13 of the Player's Handbook (27 points), with one additional house rule, you cannot have more than 1 ability score below 10.   Races, Classes and Backgrounds Anything out of the Players's Handbook, Tasha's Cauldron of Everything and Xanathar's guide to everything is fine.
Custom lineages (p.8 Tasha's) and backgrounds (p.126 PHB) are ok as well. Nothing homebrew or setting specific (Dragonlance, Eberron, Ravenloft, Forgotten Realms, Critical Role)   Equipment Starting equipment (class + background) + 2 uncommon magical items + 1 rare magical item + 250gp (which can be spent on health potions or other equipment)   Alignment I'm not particullarly hung up on the character's alignments. Evil characters can have a reason to hunt dragons, just as much as good characters. Playing well with others is a must though.   Backstory Feel free to come up with a fitting backstory of motivation. The basic premis is that you are all established and experienced heroes/warriors/mercenaries/mages... and you have decided to answer the emperor's call to hunt down a dangerous old white dragon that is once again threathening the empire. Your motivation for doing so is your own.   Any Questions? feel free to send me an email or message.


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