
Large City
Territory 40,000 square miles
Population 44.000 (Humans 50%, Elves 4%, Half-Elves 4%, Gnomes 6%, Half-Orcs 6%, Halflings 10%, Dwarves 10%, Dragonborn 7%, Other 3%)
Ruler Emperor August Novo I (Human male)  


  The largest, richest and most prosperous of the old Inheritor States and the birthplace of the new August Empire. The people of Deepnesse consider themselves to be the only true successors of the old Crownhold Empire. The city was constructed to be the sister city of the old empire’s capital on the opposing bank of the Baptism sea. Deepnesse immediately flourished because of all the natural resources it’s domain possessed. Ore from mines in the Hilt, wild game from the nearby forest, fish from the baptism sea and meat and produce from the fertile farmlands to the south-west. Many nobles quickly built manors in the city making it the second most important city in the empire. To curtail its ambitions, the emperor placed an elected mayor and not a noble at the head of the city. When the old Crownhold Empire fell, this mayor was quickly deposed by the empire’s greatest general, Villander the first. The general immediately proclaimed himself the new emperor and many historians agree that this forced others to do same, starting the War of Succession.   Centuries later, when the young hero and living incarnation of the god Belenus decided to proclaim his intentions to reforge the old Empire, he did so in Deepnesse. The lord of Deepnesse at that time, Villander VII, did not resist and immediatly fell in line with the living gods designs. From Deepnesse the newly proclaimed Emperor August Novo began his conquest of most of the old Inheritor States. Deepnesse became the capital of the new August Empire.  


  The population of Deepnesse stands on ceremony and tradition. Old imperial festivals are still honored and all of the nobility can trace their lineage back to some great house of Crownhold. The city itself has been made to look like Crownhold once did. Great marble palaces and cathedrals stand among strong stone keeps and barracks. Smaller houses are built from natural stone from the Hilt. The city’s wall is 50ft. high, incredibly thick and topped with ballistae. Only three gates allow passage in and out of the city proper, one from the north (the miner’s gate), one from the east (the fisherman’s gate) and the last from the south (the farmer’s gate).  


  Deepnesse is one of the only Inheritor States thatnever relied on mercenaries. They have always had a well trained professional army. Although mercenaries can be contracted for sabotage or assassination jobs, the city never employs the companies for its defense. The city’s elite soldiers are the Silver Griffons, airborne knights atop armored griffons. The palace guards are known as the Sons of the Sun. They are mostly paladins and clerics dedicated to Belenus.   Relationships   Deepnesse’s main enemy in the Succession War was the city of Craggkeep. Even now Craggkeep resists the attempts of unification by the new Emperor. The feud between both cities runs deep and has lasted for centuries. Deepnesse abhors the violence and brutality with which Craggkeep rules and fights. The fields between Trechend and Faith’s Rise are drenched with the blood of soldiers of both cities.   Most other territories that once belonged to the Crownhold Empire in the east have been conquered by Deepnesse and folded into the August Empire. Lochfog, on Eerie Isle, repeatedly defended against invasion and eventually a peace treaty was signed, turning Lochfog into a valued ally.   Esterdelle is the only other city, next to Craggkeep and Lochfog, that has not been conquered. Esterdelle's alliance with the elves and fey of the Shadowbriar and the dwarves of Austr Hall has so far proven too strong to break by the armies of Deepnesse.


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