Whitespur Mountain

The Whitespur is the tallest mountain in the Hilt. It is the only mountain in the range that is snow-capped all year long. It is situated on the southern edge of the mountain range, just a few dozen miles north of Deepnesse.   Whitspur Mountain has an ominous reputation among the locals of the region. It is said to contain the lair of Marmorix Crownbane, the white dragon that killed Emperor Cassius II and thus brought down the old Crownhold Empire. Even though the dragon has not been spotted for centuries, the people of the region remain cautious and stay away from the mountain unless absolutely necessary.   The only exception to this seems to be the mysterious village of Fray, that lies at the foot of the mountain in a shallow valley of its foothills. Not a lot is known of this village. The inhabitants don't travel to Deepnesse often and trade with them is as good as non-existent.   Imperial patrols that have passed through the region never reported anything out of the ordinary, save for the existenc of abandoned ruins on the southern flank of the mountain and medium-sized reptillian tracks in the shallow snow, which were attributed to the presence of drakes in the hills.


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