Umlaut Crew Operators

The Umlaut Crew Operators is a group of between six to nine freelance heavy troopers operating on a for hire basis.   Little is known about the origin of the unit, or the identities of their members before joining. Upon being inducted, the operatives go by codenames. These codenames change job by job, but the theme of taking on the titles or ranks of past rulership such as Shogun or Viscount seems to be a thread running through every one of their jobs.   Consummate professionals, each of the crew is disciplined, well trained, and each member is worth five of the ordinary street scum they see themselves as competing with for offers of employment. Their services are very expensive as a result.   The unit operates in heavy combat armor, though eschews the use of heavy weapons in order to maintain mobility. They view themselves as used most effectively in a role that allows them to make full use of their momentum. Specialists in close quarter fighting, use as a spearhead that falls away to find other avenues of attack if heavy resistance is encountered seems to be their style if allowed to plan the mission themselves.   Occasionally the Umlaut will run into stiffer resistance than anticipated, and If something heavier duty is called for, one of the Umlaut will be designated as a grenadier or a demolitions expert. Their use of explosives is creative, and used for maximum effect, such as their famous raid on the Erdozan manor houses.  

Current Members

  • Shogun- Operational Command
  • Daimyo- Executive Officer
  • Gorgon- Signals Intelligence and Electronic Warfare
  • Vicount- Security/Heavy Weapons Specialist
  • Marquess- Scout
  • Raja- Scout
  • Khan- Pilot/Driver
  • Anax- Security
  • Samurai- Security
  • Thalass- Telepathic Psionic


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