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Ironfang Invasion

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When the PCs witness their hometown of Phaendar destroyed in the first steps of an all-out war of conquest, they begin a quest that leads them from desperate survival to heroes of legend as they push back against the monstrous Ironfang Legion. This ruthless army—helmed by the hobgoblin General Azaersi and empowered by an ancient artifact known as the Onyx Key—intends to claim both Nirmathas and Molthune while the isolated nations bicker with one another. The heroes' quest will take them deep into the fey-haunted Fangwood Forest, to the craggy bluffs of western Nirmathas, and delve deep into the earth to explore the Darklands. Can a small band of refugees grow into champions and push back against Azaersi's horde, or will the Ironfang Invasion give way to an Ironfang nation?  
"Lets get this party started"
"Do you remember how nice Nate was?"
“I just killed that guy with a snowball”
“It’s just assumed that most people don’t want to see the entire world consumed by evil. But whatever.”
"I don't know what you have planned, but if it involves me doing acrobatics it is going to fail."
"Bring the head, it will help with diplomacy."
"We'll get it back if we survive, if not... it wont matter."
“Tastes like chicken”
“Apparently, someone told that bear the hobgoblin was made of cheeseburgers “
“This is going to be long and hard” “Well actually, that’s the way I like it”