Bladewing Species in Ironsworn | World Anvil
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Rank: Dangerous (2 progress per harm; inflicts 2 harm)
  • Large, dagger-shaped wings
  • Elongated jaws with needle-like teeth
  • Dark, leathery hide
  • Take flight under the cover of darkness
  • Hunt from above
  • Glide silently
  • Sudden, swift attack
  These carnivorous creatures dwell in caves and ruins, and emerge at night to hunt. They have a lean, angular form, with a wingspan as wide as an Ironlander’s outstretched arms.   They typically feed on smaller prey, but a pack of hungry bladewings will harass larger victims, diving and slashing in coordinated attacks. During the long nights of winter, swarms of these creatures have descended on Ironlander settlements or unwary travelers.

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