Bonewalker Species in Ironsworn | World Anvil
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Rank: Dangerous (2 progress per harm; inflicts 2 harm)
  • Skeletal corpse
  • Yellowed bones
  • Tattered remains of clothing and armor
  • Destroy life
  • Rush with unexpected speed
  • Attack with the weapons they bore in life
  • Grasp and claw
  Bonewalkers are human remains given unnatural life. The source of the dark energy animating them is a mystery. Some say it is the will of dark gods. Others say an ancient evil permeates this land and seeps into porous bones of the dead. Or, perhaps it is the work of corrupt mystics.   Bonewalkers usually roam the location of their final resting place—a burial site, a cursed battlefield, or a settlement blighted by disease or violence. Nothing remains of their previous selves. They are soulless monsters driven only to destroy the living.

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