Broken Ethnicity in Ironsworn | World Anvil
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Rank: Troublesome (3 progress per harm; inflicts 1 harm)
  • Crazed Eyes
  • Painted Skin
  • Feral Screams
  • Scavenged clothing and weapons
  • Show my power
  • Share my pain
  • Spring from hiding
  • Ferocious attacks
  Another people sailed to the Ironlands from the Old World long before our kin settled here. Something happened. Something changed them. Whether it was the long struggle in a harsh land, the ravages of war, or the corruption of some dark force, they left their humanity behind and became what we call the broken. Now, they exist only to kill, to destroy.    We fear the broken for their savagery. But, more than this, we fear them as a dark portent of what we might one day become.

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