Chitter Species in Ironsworn | World Anvil
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Rank: Dangerous (2 progress per harm; inflicts 2 harm)
  • Chitinous shell
  • Snapping mandibles
  • Sniff out food
  • Defend the nest
  • Summon the horde
  • Swarm and bite
  • Spew putrid vomit
  Chitters are unnaturally large insects which dwell underground, nesting in subterranean caves, ruins and barrows. They stand half the height of an Ironlander, and move on six segmented legs.   They are primarily scavengers, using their keen sense of smell to locate and retrieve carcasses above or below ground. Instead of eyes, chitters have three thumb-sized holes in the center of their heads through which they issue a distinctive twittering sound. This call is used to communicate with others of its kind and to help visualize their surroundings—much like bats find their way in darkness.   They are covered in a rigid shell, and their mandibles are as sharp and destructive as a finely forged blade. They are not necessarily hostile, but will aggressively defend their nests or fight to secure a food source.   As a last resort, a chitter may attack by spewing the contents of its stomach in a noxious spray, leaving all but the hardiest of Ironlanders temporarily blinded and retching.

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