Gnarl Species in Ironsworn | World Anvil
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Rank: Extreme (2 ticks per harm; inflicts 4 harm)
  • Thick, sturdy legs
  • Tough hide, textured like old bark
  • Majestic horns
  • Sorrowful call
  • Keep to the woodlands
  • Forage
  • Threatening posture
  • Powerful charge
  • Stomp
  Gnarls dwell in woodlands throughout the Ironlands. The tallest of them are nearly the height of towering trees, with a long neck and legs as stout as trunks. Atop their heads are sprays of horns which twist and intertwine like slender branches. They roam the forest alone or in small family groups, feeding on lichen, leaves, and other plants. They are not naturally aggressive, but are mighty foes when threatened.   The color of a gnarl’s bark-like hide changes through its life, emulating the passage of the seasons. A young gnarl’s hide is the verdant green of spring. As they mature, it transitions to the deeper brown-green of summer, then the burnished amber of fall, and finally the cold gray of winter. To protect itself from potential predators, a gnarl will stand among a copse of trees. It will plant its feet, straighten its back, stretch its neck, and stay perfectly still, blending in with its surroundings.   The low, resonant call of a gnarl can carry for miles. It is a lonely sound, as evocative and heartrending as the most mournful funeral song.

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