Haunt Species in Ironsworn | World Anvil
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Rank: Formidable (1 progress per harm; inflicts 3 harm)
  • Subtle, unsettling manifestations
  • Appear as they did in life
  • Lay bare the ravages of death
  • Stench of the grave
  • Torment the living
  • Find rest
  • Vanish and reappear
  • Horrifying visage
  • Unleash chaos
  Haunts are restless spirits bound to this world by a traumatic or unjust death. They may be tied to a location, an object, or even a person.   A haunt who manifests as a physical being can be dispelled by overcoming them in a fight, but only temporarily. They will only be at peace when their death is avenged or resolved. Some say a haunt can be banished through a ritual, but few possess the knowledge.

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