Hollow Species in Ironsworn | World Anvil
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Rank: Extreme (2 ticks per harm; inflicts 4 harm)
  • Vaguely humanoid shape formed of earth, plants, and insects
  • Empty black eyes behind an elven mask
  • Smells of wet soil and dead things
  • See justice done
  • Bash with savage strength
  • Draw in a whirlwind of materials to reform and enlarge
  • Envelop and suffocate
  It is said that elves who die an unjust death or have cause to seek retribution can rise as a hollow. Their form is a rippling mass of dead leaves, plants, soil, carrion, and insects. They move with a nightmarish, shambling gait. Their face is the wooden mask they wore in life. Their voice is the rattle of the wind through dry leaves.   As with haunts, they can be temporarily defeated but cannot be killed by physical means. They are a relentless force, bound to this world by a singular motivation—vengeance.

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