Iron-Wracked Beast Species in Ironsworn | World Anvil
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Iron-Wracked Beast

Rank: Formidable (1 progress per harm; inflicts 3 harm)
  • Flesh corrupted by iron
  • Pained howl
  • Feed the insatiable hunger
  • Destroy those who wield iron
  • Find a release from pain
  • Attack with brutal rage
  • Bite and devour
  We don’t know the origin of the Iron Blight, nor do we know its cure. It inflicts creatures of the wilds and transforms their flesh slowly to iron. These pitiful but powerful beasts are scarred by patches of metal flesh within ragged, weeping wounds. The iron is like a parasite, devouring the host as it torments them with unstoppable pain and insatiable hunger. Their howls echo with animalistic agony and the clangor of hammer against anvil.   In time, the Blight takes too much, and the beast dies while it is still more flesh than iron. We pray a creature never survives beyond that stage. What would it become?

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