Kraken Species in Ironsworn | World Anvil
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Rank: Epic (1 tick per harm; inflicts 5 harm)
  • Gargantuan size
  • Grasping tentacles
  • Beaked maw
  • Lurk in unfathomable depths
  • Destroy those who would trespass
  • Inflict terror
  • Shatter ships
  • Grapple and crush
  • Attack from every direction
  • Sweep sailors from the deck
  The kraken is a sea beast, as large as the mightiest longship. It is octopoid in form, with eight arms, two longer feeding tentacles, and a beak-like mouth. It emerges from the depths to hunt whales, sharks, and other large sea creatures. It is also prone to attack any Ironlander ships which stray into its waters, plucking the crew off the deck and crushing the vessel as easily as one would snap a piece of kindling.

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