Nightmare Spider Species in Ironsworn | World Anvil
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Nightmare Spider

Rank: Dangerous (2 progress per harm; inflicts 2 harm)
  • Pale, semitransparent body
  • Long, skinny legs
  • Fangs, dripping with venom
  • Lurk in darkness
  • Feed
  • Lay eggs
  • Spin webs
  • Drop on prey
  • Pierce with venomous fangs
Nightmare spiders are monstrous creatures which dwell in caves, ruins, thick woods, and other dark places. They have narrow, translucent bodies, three pairs of black eyes, and long, slender legs. They typically feed on bats and rodents, but are opportunistic hunters and attack anything straying into their path or stumbling into their webbing. Their lairs are often strung with large silk egg sacs.   For smaller animals, the toxic bite of the nightmare spider causes paralysis. For a typical Ironlander, it dulls the senses and induces vivid hallucinations. It is these frightening, dreamlike visions which earn the creature its name.

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