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PDRMN Officer

The commisioned officers of the Navy of the PDRM are those that are in positions of authority within the Navy. They are typically in positions of authority within the PDRMN, in administrative, scientific, advisory or military positions. However, due to the heavy automation and high education of the PDRM, the ratio of officers to enlisted is around 2:3, and even higher on smaller ships. As such, officers are not commanding large groups of people, instead coordinating their actions with one or two enlisted personell who may be more knowledgable but lack the experience of control and command, while also getting in and dirty with the task. More of a fireteam leader than an officer, especially at the lower ranks.



A clean criminal record and a university degree are nearly always required.

Career Progression

Most begin as Cadets, except in exceptional circumstances. They study at officer school, of which there are three. They then typically begin as an ensign in a ship or on shore, and typically slowly rise up the ranks. Most will not, but on average around half to 2/3 of officers rise up the ranks each rank. In all the ultimate position is Chief of the navy, but most are happy to become a commander or captain.
There is fundamentally no limit on the service time of an officer, as long as they remain in good health and sense, though there are limits on how long an officer can hold a specific position, and they cannot be flag officers for too long. However if the captain of a cruiser enjoys their position there is nothing stopping them from holding that role for a couple decades, at least until the cruiser is retired. They may however retire honourably 10 years after graduation.

Payment & Reimbursement

Anywhere from $40000 to $200000 depending on rank
Like other PDRMN personell, they gain additions to salary with medals.
Typically have access and use of high tech augments and nanotech

Other Benefits

During their service on leave, a PDRMN officer can easily hitch a ride on a PDRMN transport or larger ship. They cannot typically go on smaller ships or on active patrolling ships due to security, but they will easily be able to go nearly anywhere for free. They can continue to do this after retirment with a few restrictions. If there are limited spots, it goes based on who has/had the highest rank with active service members first.
For 10 martian years after termination of service, if honourable, they recieve a pension equal to 1/8 their highest service salary, in addition to standard income.


Social Status

Reasonably well respected


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