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The Year of the Blazing Monkey

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What is Isadril, you may ask. It is an ancient land of wonders, and sadness. Isadril was a land torn apart by war, and now on its way to a hopeful future with peace. The gods used to walk with the mortals, but technology took this away, and tossed the world into darkness. Now only a few countries remain, in the shadow of a former empire.   The blasted lands continually growing on the east, as the sands sweeps into the Riverlands. Dragons have came down from the northern mountains. Magic is exponentially growing among mortals. One in every fifty person is born with magical abilities, while in the previous era, only handful of magi lived. The countries trying to stay in peace with each other became technophobic, and they deny every possible upgrade, fearing they will arrive onto the same fate, as once the blasted lands were. Even the name of the once-mighty empire is almost forgotten. Al-Bassad was destroyed by itself with its own technological wonders. The peak of technology now are the cannons and flintlocks, while magic can reshape the earth, and control the elements. Near 600 years after the Great War, the Southern Kingdoms were destroyed by famine, war and a tsunami that rendered all lands unlivable. Refugees arrive all the time, and new races have to adapt to the harsh climate of Isadril. While rumors arrive about fires from the Blasted Lands, that are striking fear into the hearts of the elderly.   Even tough dwarves take up almost half of the whole population, they are mostly hidden by the great mountain of Ered Khuudrum. Nobody knows how deep some of the tunnels are, and how many dwarves do they hide, while the elven tribes defend their forests with everything they have, while their numbers are decreasing. After the fall of the Empire of Al-Bassad, the humans almost went extinct, but with the help of the elves they have sustained themselves. Today, pure humans are very rare, as everyone has at least 1/16th elven blood. Scholars think this is the reason for the increased magic users now.