Vines climb the ruined walls of what was once an
Orc war camp, a remnant of their tirade through the
Spine of Kallex during the
Eldritch War. This is one of many of such camps, abandoned as the
Orcs learned the true potential of the
Barbarians of this land, a land that was one of
Elves, not creatures of destruction. Shattered buildings and rings of burnt and turned earth were all that remained of this place, the only memory that war had touched the hidden valleys of the
Spine. But the
Spine shows no mercy to any creature. Even memories burned into the earth disappear over time.
Once a circle of barren earth and broken buildings, the area known as Grik’s Bend has been retaken. No longer does the stench of burnt earth and
Orcs permeate every inch of the valley. Nature has taken back what was hers, but chose to honor the
Barbarians that fought for her. The war camp of Grik’s Bend was replaced with a sanctuary, a home for animals and people alike. A safe haven tucked in the hidden valleys of the
Spine of Kallex., protected by the nature around them.
Decades after the
Orcs left the area and nature began to reclaim what was hers, the
Lulskar Clan saw an opportunity. In this safe haven, they built a single building, one that would house some of their clan members, so that they could care for the creatures that had found safety in this hidden valley. Injured animals came here of their own volition, only to be cared for by the clan and eventually returned to their true home. Grik’s Bend became a sanctuary for the lost and injured, a far cry from its beginnings.
Once an Orc war camp, Grik's Bend was soon taken over by nature when the Orcs vacated. Now, the site serves as an animal santaury kept by the Lulskar Clan.
I love the idea of an orc war camp becoming a nature sanctuary. That's such a nice change.
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