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Lycana's Dance

Summer Festival of Lycana

As the full moon rises during Summer’s Morning, the creatures of the forest creep out, their shadows splaying over the trees and shrubs, painting pictures that dance and play as the festivities begin. For the next two nights, the Elven Forest will echo with thousands of voices, singing the praises of the Mother of Fey, celebrating another year passing in the vibrant world they live in. Song, dance, and games will wander between the trees, the forest more alive than ever as the glowing moon of Lycana’s Dance shines down upon them.   When the moon finally sets and the sun rises on the 16th of Summer’s Morning, the celebrations will take their leave, the sunlight burning away the shadows that had played through the forest the night before. The woods will go eerily silent, awaiting the next rising of the moon, another night of a full orb hung in the sky by the goddess. As the moon rises again, all will come out, the songs and games starting anew, the dance of shadows over trees and shrubs coming to life with excitement.   Lycana’s Dance is the celebration of the full moon of Summer’s Morning that lasts for two full nights, blanketing the world in shining moonlight that illuminates all. While widely celebrated amongst the Elves of the Elven Forest, this celebration is one of song, dance, and games, all praising Lycana, the goddess of nature. The celebrations may even bring Silver Elves to the surface, joining them with their surface brethren to celebrate their creator.


For as long as Elves have walked the world, the dual full moon of Summer’s Morning has been a time of celebration. The phenomenon is seen as a blessing of Lycana, one to be praised and celebrated as a renewal of the world around them and a time that the Elven Forest flourishes. Only as time has passed have the celebrations become more robust, including observances that draw people closer to the divine under the light of Lycana's moon.   As the Elves spread through the Elven Forest and settled amongst the trees, the festivities seeped into the nighttime, starting as songs sung as the full moons rose and set. It was little more than a simple celebration meant to serve as their praise to the goddess, but through simple chance, the nights of Lycana’s Dance changed into a religious experience, one that would put the Elves as close as they could get to the kindness of their goddess.   Dancing in the moonlight became theaters of shadows, telling stories through movement and the imprint of darkness on a forest bathed in light. Games became prominent for the children, involving all in the favored days of the Mother of Fey. Many say that the celebrations of Lycana’s Dance among the trees of the Elven Forest rival those thrown by the Fairy King, but both celebrations are grand and long-lived.


Lycana’s Dance is mostly an Elven holiday, although the largest celebrations of the holiday are held within the Elven Forest. Elves throughout the world may host small celebrations of their own, but some will travel to the Elven Forest to join in the revelry of the festivities. Silver Elves of @kat may even travel to the surface to enjoy the celebrations with their surface brethren.
Full Moon
The moon during Lycana's Dance is often brightest over the Elven Forest, heightening the festivities that occur there. Many will travel from miles around just to glimpse the glowing orb in the sky.
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Jul 22, 2024 23:43 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love that there is a dual full moon during the summer months, and it is celebrated this way. The festivities sound really fun. I guess people rest during the day of the 16th so they can renew the celebrations in full in the night.

Emy x
Explore Etrea
Aug 15, 2024 06:08 by Chase

Reminds me of the Summer Solstice when it is the longest night of the year. I like this interpretation.

"I will do as you bid, Lunarius," -Eldrinor Nocturne
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