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Flower of the Nightbreeze Family

The Human Empire is not known for its foray into herbology and the creation of hybrid plants, but at least once in the Empire’s history did the Scholars dabble in the practice of splicing and growing, creating their own flora from whatever they could find. While it is true that the history of their singular creation has disappeared mostly to time, some information still remains.

The Nightbreeze is a hybrid lily, blackish purple in color, that does not naturally appear outside of Castle Nightbreeze's greenhouses. Created by Scholars for one of the earliest Emperors, the flower was meant to serve as the symbol of the Nightbreeze Family and the legacy that they would build.

This flower is only seen in its glory throughout the halls of Castle Nightbreeze, but its imprint can be seen upon every piece of armor and weaponry wielded by the Soldiers of the Human Empire. Its likeness is well-known throughout the world as a symbol of beauty but also of strength and devastation.

— Appendix G of the Yllvalion Codex, Flora & Fauna of the Great Plains
  The Nightbreeze is the most coveted flower of the Great Plains, serving as the symbol of the Nightbreeze Family, one that has been in power of the Human Empire since nearly its inception. It is a hybrid of other flowers, but it is not truly known which flowers were used in its creation.  

Basic Information


The Nightbreeze is similar to standard lilies but is blackish purple in color and its stem and leaves are also a lighter black color. An average plant will grow three flowering stems at any given point and as the plant is a perennial, the same plant will flower every year until something causes the plant to die. Overall, while a hybrid of other unknown plants, the Nightbreeze is little more than a specially colored lily.  

Additional Information


Nightbreeze Insignia
Nightbreeze by RiverFang
The symbol of the Nightbreeze Family and their legacy is often a simple drawing of the Nightbreeze in either black or a blueish-purple color. This insignia can be found on many assets of the Human Empire, to include armor and weapons.
The namesake of the Nightbreeze Family, the Nightbreeze is used on a number of items as a representation of the family and the Human Empire. A simplified drawing of the flower is often drawn in black or bluish-purple ink to represent the iridescent colors of the actual plant. This symbol is then inlaid on armor and weapons that are utilized by the Military of the Human Empire, stamped on official documents by lords and the Empress, and marked anywhere it might be necessary to denote the ownership of the Human Empire.   As the family's reign predates the creation of the flower by Scholars, it was not the original symbol of the Nightbreeze Family. A Scholar of herbology wished to make a flower that pleased the lady of the house, mixing a variety of lilies and other flowers until he came to what is now known as the Nightbreeze. The lady of the house was so enthralled with the beauty and delicacy of the flower, that her husband, the Emperor, decided that the flower would bear his family name and become the symbol of the legacy that he wished to build.   Over time, a more stylistic and simplified version of the symbol was created and slowly began adorning everything that it could be put on. Official stamps were created, Blacksmiths inlaid the symbol on armor, and others added the flower to their goods as a marker of the Human Empire. Today, the Nightbreeze is known as a symbol of wealth and power.  
The Nightbreeze is an extremely beautiful and delicate flower created in the greenhouses of Castle Nightbreeze. Most history of the flower has been lost to time, but the family it represents has a lasting legacy.
Scientific Name
Lilium Nightbreeze
Up to 7 years
Average Height
14 to 18 in
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities
Related Organizations
Night Guard
Nightbreeze Family
Old Guard


Author's Notes

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Jul 15, 2024 13:19 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Oo, I really love that you've chosen to go with a flower for this prompt. This is such a good idea. The nightbreeze flower sounds (and looks) so beautiful.

Aug 18, 2024 20:14

I love the history of this beautiful flower. It really came a long way. What I would have loved is to know if it smells of something? Maybe vanilla? Or is it too cultured to smell anymore? And I also love the way of doing the headers per category. That would safe me a lot of work and nerves ...

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