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Winter Celebration of the Northern Outposts

An early morning in Winter's Morning is marked by glittering white powder, blanketing the trees and the well-worn paths of the hunters. The soft leather of their boots leave tracks as dainty as those of the elk that bound across the morning's blanket, barely making a sound as they return from their travels to the white city of Yllvalion. When the Paladins of the Northern Outposts rise to begin the day's work, their duties change, away from that of vigilance and constant training to one of preparation and creation. The snow of the early morning has marked a milestone in the year, the point where the preparation for the Snowfell begins.   The Knights of Yggdrasil have many duties, but nothing seems more important than the preparations for the winter and the Snowfell. The war with the Giants had happened in the depth of winter, when the Elves were huddled and weak. The preparation for the Snowfell came from this feeling of weakness, so the Knights take the preparations to a new level of seriousness, spending days and long hours preparing for the coming months.   Winter is somewhat predictable on the edge of the Elven Forest and the Neither Tundra. The first snow always comes during the tenth month, the morning of the winter, with soft blowing snow, and temperatures just low enough to create great icicles on the trees. This snow is a precursor to the harsh months ahead, deep and freezing snows that last far into the early months of the next year. Snows come in Winter's Morning, bringing the moisture missed during the summer months and freezing the Northern Outposts until the end of Spring's Evening or even later. The early snow marks preparation for those dark months, the months where the majority of those in the outposts call the Ylmaris Citadel and Yllvalion their home.   For centuries, the first snow in Winter's Morning marked a week until the Snowfell occurred. Those of all races prepared food stores, warm garments, and other goods to be packed into the lower storerooms of the citadel in Yllvalion for the months when they would be stuck within the warm walls. Those that traveled from the other outposts would gather and the Knights would throw a festival, led by the head of the Ylyndar Clan, to celebrate those that helped prepare for the cold months. Elduin Ylyndar and his wife Naya had brought back the great festival after decades of it not occurring. It was a welcoming distraction after the long hours of preparation, the townspeople partaking in food, drink, and dancing.   With the six Ylyndar children of age, events of writing, swordsmanship, marksmanship, and strategy became part of the festival, helping bring interest back to the preparations. The first year of these games, the year the oldest child Taeral stepped into position as the second in command for the Knights of Yggdrasil, the number of items gathered for the winter had tripled from the previous year. That winter had been long and harsh, but those of the outposts were far prepared for whatever nature could bring.


The tradition of Snowfell has been apart of the history of both Yllvalion and the Northern Outposts for centuries. Within a year of building the city, it was realized that the white city near the mountains was the only safe place during the extreme storms of the winter months. Elders of the city began storing food and goods within the city's citadel with permission of Eldrin Ylyndar, the founder of the Knights of Yggdrasil.   When the elders, far older than the young Ylyndar, passed, the Knights took over as leaders for the preparations. The Ylyndar had been aided by the elders many times throughout his life and he wished to continue their legacy and aid. Every Ylyndar that had taken up the mantle of the leader of the Knights had also taken up the charge to help those of the outposts and host the Snowfell. The current leader, Elduin, added more to the festival, creating a multi-day festival that drew people from far and wide to aid in the preparations.


Snowfell always occurs exactly one week after the first snowfall. The head of the Knights will always send messages to the other outposts on the day of the snowfall in Yllvalion to set the date exactly. Snowfell always occurs during Winter's Morning, as the snows during that month are often light and shortlived, a precursor to the heavy and longlasting snows of the later months.


The current head of the Ylyndar Clan and the Knights of Yggdrasil serves as the Master of Ceremonies for the festival. The leader's wife and children may also play specific roles in leading activities or events.   One person in the Knights is also designated as the person to lead the initiative to store the goods brought to Yllvalion. Most often, this is the second in command of the Knights, but most recently, it has been Airdan Ylyndar as he has an extreme knack for strategy.
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The festival is a multi-day celebration that occurs every year. It does not have a set date of observance due to the coming of the first snowfall, but the festival, once started, tends to last for three days.  

Schedule of Events

Day 1
Ice Carving
Ice Carving
Opening Ceremonies
Telling of the Ballad of the Snow King
Filling the Ylmaris Citadel
Snowcaps Hotspring
Day 2
Arm Wrestling
Aelinor Elk Racing
Catch the Wolf
Ice Breaking
Archery Contest
Debate Contest
Stump Chopping
Knowledge Contest
Hungry Bugbear
Ale Drinking Contest
Pie Eating Contest
Dancing Contest
Magic Tricks Contest
Storytelling Contest
Filling the Ylmaris Citadel
Snowcaps Hotspring
Sleigh Rides
Children's Games
Acting Troupe Performances
Day 3
Log Toss Contest
Goblin Toss Contest
Magic Trick Shots
Barrel Run Contest
Shell Game
Dart Trick Shot Contest
Closing Ceremony
Filling the Ylmaris Citadel
Snowcaps Hotspring
Sleigh Rides
Children's Games
Acting Troupe Performances


Author's Notes

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