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Spark Steel

Alloy of Flare and Zap Steel

One of the earliest alloys created of the special metals of the world, Spark Steel was an interesting dabble into metallurgy and the science behind combining such tricky materials. While it was believed that the combining of the special metals was possible, few were open to trying it, the unknown of the outcome far outweighing the possibilities in the eyes of many.

The earliest attempts brought forth a metal with a molten core, one that crackled with the electricity of one of its predecessors. Metallurgists spoke of the metal as if it was lightning trapped in a lava flow, an impossible combination of powerful nature that should never have been, but once created would bring forth its own uses. Spark Steel calmed the volatility of Zap Steel but with the burning force of Flare Steel, heating and stunning anything touched by it.

— Appendix IV of the Yllvalion Codex, Alloys of the Special Metals
  Spark Steel is one of the many alloys created by combining the special metals of the world. Harnessing the power of both lightning and fire, combining the strengths of Flare Steel and Zap Steel, this metal is highly coveted and considered one of the easiest to create and least volatile of the alloys. Utilized by a variety of people, Spark Steel is often used to create explosives, weapons, and alchemical sets.


Physical & Chemical Properties

While closest in appearance to Zap Steel, Spark Steel has a number of special properties that set it apart from other alloys created with either Zap Steel or Flare Steel. This metal tends to give off intermittent electrical charges when coming into contact with a grounded surface and can heat most objects to roughly the boiling point of water. The metal has similar properties to that of both metals used to create it, but often in lesser amounts. The greatest property of this metal is that it is a foolproof fire starter, better than flint and steel.

History & Usage

Everyday use

Refined Spark Steel is most commonly used as a component meant to create a spark, whether that be a fire starter, reusable blasting cap for explosives and Firearms, or generally in whatever technology needs a spark or combustion. Some specialized weapons are created with small pieces of Spark Steel, but these are often utilized by spellcasters in order to begin a blaze that can then be heightened and manipulated by their magic. Spark Steel is also common in alchemical sets as it can serve as a low-temperature burner in a pinch or can be used to heat other ingredients.
Spark Steel
Spark Steel is an alloy created by combining Flare Steel and Zap Steel. This metal is most well-known for its molten core that crackles with electricity.
Similar to Zap Steel but more toned down
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Jul 27, 2024 12:57 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love the idea of using a metal as a fire starter.

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