Aranel Geographic Location in Isesda | World Anvil
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Far to the south lies the wild continent of Aranel. This small, verdant continent is thought by some to be the original home of the Feykith, but most agree that the proto-Feyn cultures spread to ancient Aranel after the Shattering of the West destroyed their homes and the subsequent expulsion of the Children by the All-Mother herself. While many Feykith remained on the various islands that now comprise the Reman Empire, Aranel become a nexus for the countless cultures displaced by the retribution of Upe.
Indeed, Aranel is perhaps the most diverse land on the face of Isesda. Tribes of Feykith, Humans, Goblinkin, and more rare peoples all thrive within its dense jungles. The vegetation of the land is plentiful and extremely resilient. Many believe that Krodis personally blessed the land before the expulsion of the Children, but of course there is no confirmation of this. What is known is that the avatars of Krodis and Krumas frequented the continent long before any mortals from Raiven or Derathain visited.
Aranel has recently become the target of multiple colonization attempts by the nearby empires the Axial Empire, the Vellan Dominion, and the Kingdom of Derathain. These attempts have met with mixed success. While the Vellans have managed to encroach slightly into the jungle, the other two have been limited to the eastern coastline. The very land of the continent seems to be trying to repel the newcomers.
The flora and fauna of Aranel is exceptionally resilient and has proven aggressive toward any movements of colonial civilization into their territory. This aggression has not been observed toward the Aranellan natives which led Derathaini and Vellan colonists to capture natives and utilize them as forced labor to build futher inland. Derathain has since ordered the immediate halt of all such practices and the release of any Aranellans held by the colonists, but Vel has largely ignored the actions taken by the colonial imperator which enable such slavery. This practice has directly led to increased resistance among the Aranellan tribes, and while still disorganized they're growing in both numbers and effecitvenss with each passing day. Axial colonists have attempted to build a more positive relationship with the natives, but this has been met with suspicion and indeed may well be an effort made more strategically than in friendship as allying with the natives would grant great opportunity to Axia should the Vellan and Derathaini colonies be abandoned.


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