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In the frigid northern lands of Forven, beyond the Adamant Mountains spreading across the tundra just south of the greatwood the people who forge their lives in the harsh conditions usually describe wild beasts only in terms of those which may be eaten and those which would gladly eat you. It is perhaps strange then than the tiny kynsta, a small vulpine creature that burrows in the frozen soil, is known all but universally as a symbol of might. These small creatures, though in no way a physical match for the mighty predators of the north, are seen as the ultimate survivors. These creatures can disappear into the ground in an instant and remain there for days without needing to leave for food, and when they do leave their dens they will consume nearly anything for sustenance. Not only does this make them difficult to hunt, but often they're a poor target for hunters and predators alike as they range from merely unpleasant tasting to outright toxic depending on their diet. Of course if avoiding predators were the only advantage these creatures had they may well have been forgotten by the northerners, but the most exceptional thing about them is their ability to survive in weather conditions that would fell far more imposing beasts. The kynsta are able to withstand all but the most deadly for northern storms and do so even while burrowing their way under the ice into the frigid rivers of Forven. This is perhaps their greatest adaptation, the ability to withstand the wet and cold to a degree that other denizens of their icy home cannot. This is why the tribes of the northlands often refer to them as the symbol of ivgiliik, the grass-skin.

Basic Information


Growing to no more than half a meter in length from nose to tail, these creatures have a vaguely vulpine quadrupedal build, though they have notably shorter legs than foxes found elsewhere in the world. Indeed, many zoologists in the south believe the kynsta to in fact be completely unrelated to foxes despite the visual similarities. Their bodies are well-insulated with a fatty tissue layer wrapping their neck and torso and they are fully covered with a soft fur that tends to a light brown or beige coloration matching the grass of their home.

Genetics and Reproduction

There is little research on kynsta reproduction as it all occurs underground in their burrows and those in captivity will not mate or produce offspring, even going so far as to abandon already existing offspring when taken for observation. It is believed that they produce live young in relatively small litters of 4-8, though some claim they in fact are egg-laying mammals. No eggs have been discovered and these scholars claim that the kynsta will eat their eggs after hatching and adults will eat instinctively any unhatched eggs when their burrows are threatened.

Ecology and Habitats

Kynsta are native to the lower-elevation lands of Forven south of the great northern wood. They tend to avoid very rocky territory as it makes their burrowing more difficult, and are most prevalent near the rivers that emerge from the east edge of the greatwood. They have been known to be kept as pets in Avalier, but not commonly due to a poor disposition.

Dietary Needs and Habits

When it comes to diet, the kynsta are exceptionally malleable. Some have claimed that the kynsta will survive off ice and rocks, which is honestly half true. Indeed, many kynsta will not bother with drinking liquid water, instead preferring to consume ice which melts in their stomachs. As for food, they are true omnivorous scavengers and will consume nearly any organic material they encounter, fresh or rotting, meat, vegetable, or bone. What's more, they are regularly able to consume things which would be toxic to other creatures with seemingly no ill effects.


Kynsta are highly skittish and will flee when faced with anything larger than themselves. If cornered they can lash out with their claws, but even in these cases will often seek to strike suddenly before attempting escape again.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Aside from a respectable sense of smell, the only notably feature of kynsta sensory capabilities is their exceptional underwater vision which is considered unusual for a burrowing mammal.


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