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North Raiven Compact

Two kingdoms have continuously left marks upon the history of north Raiven after the fall of Dralis, the Kingdom of Atreus and the Vellan Dominion. These two mighty nations both originated as great city-states led by charismatic leaders with strategic brilliance in battle. Both grew to expadn their influence far beyond their own borders. Both were known as bastions of civilization and learning when Raiven was still in the chaos of the power vacuum left by the dragons. It should comes as no surprise then that these two lands came into conflict. Vel initially expanded aggressively in all directions, conquering and assimilating any they encountered. They seemed destined to become the new empire in place of the lost dragons. Their might was far less than that of the ancient lords of Dralis and their resources were rapidly stretched thin as they encountered resistance on all sides. The peoples of the plains to the east and north were little threat and quickly fell to Vellan rule, but the desert to the west presented a natural obstancle the Vellans were ill prepared to meet and the desert people were not eager for a new master to replace the old. They fought fiercely against Vel, as did the coastal peoples near the cerulean mountains who, while not well organized or trained, had the advantage of knowing both the mountains and south seas well. Far north of their home though, Vel encountered their most devastating opponent, the elves of Larathorn and their other feykith allies. Meanwhile, north of the elven mountains the fledgling Kingdom of Atreus rose up in the absence of the dragons and, using what Dralis had left behind in their city, became wildly successful in both magical research, philosophical study, and agriculture in the fertile plains to the north. Their influence spread more through trade as they befriended Adamanta in the mounthains to the west and feykith to the east. Like Vel, Atreus was most successful expanding to the north until they reached the nigh impassible adamant mountains. It was only later that Atreus learned of the Dominion to the south and their conflict with the elves. Seeing Vel as an aggressive, imperialist power that could be a threat to all peoples of the north, the Kingdom of Atreus gathered it's alies: dwarves, feykith, men, and others. An agreement was proposed, to unify the northern forces against this encroaching empire or any other threat that might seek to subjugate their respectives peoples again. Larathorn was eager for aid as they sat on the front lines of this present conflict, and the other feykith of the mountains and the wheverwood were content to follow the elves' lead. Most of the tangre and goblinkin scattered throughout the north were pleased not only to be included, but to become vassals to Atreus itself. Only the Adamanta refused to join the union with the others, claiming these problems were too far south to affect them and that none posed a true threat to their people anyway. Many had already left the adamant mountains to recover the treasures abandoned by the drakes and these heartland dwarves quietly agreed with Atreus. While they did not have the authority at the time to sign the compact, they pledged their aid nonetheless should Atreus call on them. With the compact signed, a declaration of war was quickly drafted and delivered to the Vellans who did not respond well. They pulled forces from the west to redouble their assault on the northerners that had so terribly disrespected them. Atreus had hoped their alliance would not be tested so quickly, but Vel was clearly unwilling to back down. The first few conflicts prooved costly, but ultimately the momentum had shifted to the north. Until, that is, the Vellans assassinated the king of Atreus. With no heir, the Atreans floundered while their feykith and dwarven allies tried to take up the slack. It seemed that Vel would drive their foes north of the mountains as they began burning the Wheverwood, devastating nurserys of dryads and dislocating many. It was this moment, when hopes were failing that the Atrean magi declared a young half-human boy to be the prophesied Liad who would lead Atreus to glory. At twenty he proved himself a hero and salvaged both his homeland and it's alliance, driving Vel from the wheverwood and larathorn borders. In the long ages that followed the north raiven compact has remained a powerful symbol of unity that has kept enemies in check. With the fall of the adamanta, the heartland dwarves named city-states of their own, each independently signing into the compact officially. Likewise when many of the desert tribes united into the city-state of Salahidn they also joined the compact to secure themselves against the ever-strengthening Dominion. Atreus continues to be the central force upon which the compact sits, but many believe that as long as they remain their long-trusted allies will never abandon them. To Vel, this makes Atreus their primary target.
Treaty, Diplomatic


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