Danelith Settlement in Ishtara | World Anvil
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Describe an important trade hub in your world   Now, when most people see the name Danelith written on paper, they tend to pronounce 'dayn-lith', with an english silent 'e' separating the last syllable. The correct pronunciation would be 'dan-a-lith' with three syllables and a schwa in the middle. Though Danelith is for the most part a human settlement, like most places in Lorianthil it draws its name from the old elvish. But what does that matter? That is not the answer to your question, though...in some ways it is. In knowing where a title comes from, we begin to understand the culture that takes place there.    Danelith is a humble town, a lonely trading outpost that sits between two iconic kingdoms. It is prideful, it is stubborn, and it is those qualities in part that have allowed it to thrive over this past century. The town draws life and merchants making their way between the two kingdoms. It offers refuge to the weary traveler, entertainment for the lonely agent of the crown, and wealth for the aspiring trader. Though most nobles and diplomats refuse to acknowledge the necessity of Danelith, it goes on doing its part; driving traffic to and from Lorianthil, keeping them alive and rested until at last they reach their destination.


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